South Point, Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, 744101
Yang ada di sekitar
Menara Jam Aberdeen - 1 mnt jalan kaki - 0.1 km
Kompleks Olahraga Air Rajiv Gandhi - 8 mnt jalan kaki - 0.7 km
Cellular Jail - 12 mnt jalan kaki - 1.0 km
Pulau Ross - 2 mnt berkendara - 1.9 km
Corbyn's Cove - 3 mnt berkendara - 2.7 km
Port Blair (IXZ-Vir Savarkar) - 10 mnt berkendara
Antar jemput bandara (biaya tambahan)
Antar jemput kawasan sekitar (biaya tambahan)
Antar jemput terminal feri (biaya tambahan)
Antar jemput terminal kapal pesiar (biaya tambahan)
Antar jemput pusat perbelanjaan (biaya tambahan)
Antar jemput pantai (biaya tambahan)
Ananda Restaurant - 4 mnt jalan kaki
Chai Sutta Bar - 17 mnt jalan kaki
New Lighthouse Restaurant - 5 mnt jalan kaki
Anju Coco - 2 mnt jalan kaki
Amaya - 16 mnt jalan kaki
Tentang properti ini
Sinclairs Bayview Port Blair
Berlokasi hanya 1,9 mil (3,1 km) dari bandara, Sinclairs Bayview Port Blair menawarkan antar-jemput bandara (tersedia 24 jam). Setelah bersenang-senang di kolam renang outdoor, Anda dapat bersantap
di restoran atau bersantai menikmati minuman di bar/lounge.Keunggulan lainnya meliputi toko roti/camilan, teras, dan taman.
Inggris, Hindi
Ukuran hotel
46 hotel
Diatur lebih dari 5 lantai
Saat tiba/pulang
Waktu check-in mulai pada tengah hari
Tersedia check-in tanpa sentuh
Check-in lebih akhir tergantung ketersediaan
Waktu check-out adalah 10.00
Tersedia check-out tanpa sentuh
Pembatasan terkait perjalanan Anda
Lihat pembatasan COVID-19.
Petunjuk check-in khusus
Properti ini menawarkan transportasi dari bandara (dapat dikenakan biaya tambahan); tamu harus menghubungi properti dengan detail kedatangan sebelum perjalanan, melalui informasi kontak pada konfirmasi pemesanan.
Resepsionis akan menyambut tamu saat kedatangan
Untuk mendaftar di properti ini, tamu yang merupakan warga negara India harus memberikan kartu identitas berfoto yang dikeluarkan oleh Pemerintah India; traveler yang bukan warga negara India harus menunjukkan paspor dan visa yang berlaku.
Diperlukan saat check-in
Kartu kredit, kartu debit, deposit tunai diperlukan untuk biaya tak terduga
Kartu identitas berfoto yang diterbitkan pemerintah diperlukan
Tidak ada tempat tidur bayi
Hewan peliharaan
Hewan peliharaan tidak diperkenankan
Gratis WiFi di area umum
Gratis Wi-Fi di kamar
Parkir mandiri gratis di properti
Parkir valet gratis di properti
Antar jemput bandara atas permintaan ((tersedia 24 jam))*
Antar-jemput pelabuhan kapal pesiar*
Antar-jemput pelabuhan kapal feri*
Di luar properti
Antar-jemput ke kawasan sekitar*
Antar-jemput ke pantai*
Antar-jemput ke pusat perbelanjaan*
Informasi lainnya
Area khusus merokok
Fasilitas properti
Makanan dan minuman
Sarapan masakan setempat gratis setiap pagi pukul 07.00–09.00
Layanan kamar (jam tertentu)
Toko roti/camilan
Layanan antar-jemput ke pantai (biaya tambahan)
Meja biliar
Selam skuba
Bekerja jauh
Ruang rapat
Pusat konferensi (ruang 1453 kaki persegi)
Resepsionis 24 jam
Layanan concierge
Bantuan tur/tiket
Layanan mobil kota/limusin
Fasilitas laundry
Layanan belanja bahan makanan gratis
Koran gratis di lobi
Penitipan koper
Layanan pernikahan
Porter/bell boy
Antar jemput pantai (biaya tambahan)
1 bangunan/gedung
Dibangun tahun 1988
Kolam renang outdoor
Aula perjamuan
Fasilitas difabel
Fasilitas kamar
Televisi LED 32 inci
TV satelit
Kenyamanan rumah
Kipas angin langit-langit
Pemanas air untuk kopi/teh
Setrika/meja setrika (atas permintaan)
Tidur nyenyak
Layanan penyiapan tempat tidur
Seprai premium
Yang bisa dinikmati
Ruang duduk terpisah
Perlengkapan mandi gratis
Pengering rambut
Disediakan handuk
Tetap terhubung
Meja tulis
Akses Internet nirkabel gratis
Makanan dan minuman
Air minum kemasan gratis
Pembersihan kamar harian
Biaya & kebijakan
Biaya pokok
Berikut biaya yang akan dikenakan oleh properti saat check-in atau check-out. BIaya mungkin termasuk pajak yang berlaku:
Pesta Makan Malam di Malam Tahun Baru (31 Desember) per anak: INR1000.00 (dari 6 hingga 12 tahun)
Fasilitas ekstra opsional
Layanan antar-jemput bandara ditawarkan dengan biaya tambahan sebesar INR 500 per kendaraan (satu arah)
Antar-jemput ke pelabuhan kapal pesiar dan antar-jemput ke pelabuhan feri ditawarkan dengan biaya tambahan
Antar-jemput kawasan sekitar, antar-jemput ke pantai, dan antar-jemput ke pusat perbelanjaan ditawarkan dengan biaya tambahan
Anak-anak & tempat tidur tambahan
Tempat tidur lipat disediakan dengan biaya INR 3000 per malam
Properti ini menerima kartu kredit dan kartu debit. Tidak menerima uang tunai.
Harap diperhatikan bahwa norma budaya dan kebijakan tamu dapat berbeda berdasarkan negara dan properti. Kebijakan yang tercantum disediakan oleh properti.
Juga dikenal sebagai
Sinclairs Bayview
Sinclairs Bayview Hotel Port Blair
Sinclairs Bayview Port Blair
Sinclairs Port Blair
Sinclairs Bay View, Port Blair Andaman And Nicobar Islands
Sinclairs Bayview Port Blair Hotel
Sinclairs Bayview Hotel
Sinclairs Bayview Blair Blair
Sinclairs Bayview Port Blair Hotel
Sinclairs Bayview Port Blair Port Blair
Sinclairs Bayview Port Blair Hotel Port Blair
Pertanyaan umum
Apakah Sinclairs Bayview Port Blair menawarkan pembatalan gratis untuk refund penuh?
Ya, Sinclairs Bayview Port Blair memiliki harga kamar refundable penuh yang tersedia untuk dipesan di situs web kami. Jika Anda memesan harga refundable, pemesanan ini dapat dibatalkan hingga beberapa hari sebelum check-in tergantung kebijakan pembatalan properti. Cukup pastikan untuk membaca kebijakan pembatalan properti ini untuk syarat dan ketentuan pastinya.
Apakah Sinclairs Bayview Port Blair memiliki kolam renang?
Ya, ada kolam renang outdoor.
Apakah Sinclairs Bayview Port Blair mengizinkan hewan peliharaan?
Maaf, hewan peliharaan tidak diperkenankan.
Apakah parkir di properti ditawarkan Sinclairs Bayview Port Blair?
Ya, tersedia parkir parkir mandiri dan parkir valet gratis.
Apakah Sinclairs Bayview Port Blair menyediakan layanan antar-jemput bandara?
Ya, antar-jemput bandara tersedia. Biayanya sebesar INR 500 per kendaraan satu arah.
Kapan waktu check-in dan check-out di Sinclairs Bayview Port Blair?
Anda dapat check-in mulai pukul tengah hari. Check-out dilakukan pada 10.00. Check-in dan check-out tanpa kontak fisik tersedia.
Apa saja yang dapat dilakukan di Sinclairs Bayview Port Blair dan sekitarnya?
Nikmati fasilitas rekreasi terdekat seperti scuba diving pada bulan-bulan yang lebih hangat. Nikmati segarnya berenang di kolam renang outdoor atau manfaatkan fasilitas hotel lainnya, seperti taman.
Apakah ada restoran di dekat Sinclairs Bayview Port Blair?
Ya, ada restoran di properti.
Seperti apa area di sekitar Sinclairs Bayview Port Blair?
Sinclairs Bayview Port Blair berada hanya 12 menit berjalan kaki dari Cellular Jail dan 8 menit berjalan kaki dari Kompleks Olahraga Air Rajiv Gandhi.
Ulasan Sinclairs Bayview Port Blair
Semua ulasan yang ditampilkan berasal dari pengalaman tamu yang nyata. Hanya traveler yang telah memesan penginapan dengan kami yang dapat mengirimkan ulasan. Kami memverifikasi ulasan sesuai dengan panduan kami dan memublikasikan semua ulasan, baik itu positif maupun negatif.Informasi selengkapnyaTerbuka di jendela baru
Staf & layanan
Kondisi & fasilitas properti
Ramah lingkungan
8/10 Sangat Baik
16 Agustus 2023
Property phone number listed on the website doesn't work. Their landline doesn't work at all. They have separate mobile phone numbers which you can not find on the Internet.
We missed our flight and tried to contact the property and were unable to do so. when we reached there the next day and asked them for refund/credit for a day, they said they can't do it since they were not informed. I also message them thru Expedia tho.
Other than that it was a good experience staying there, the staff is very friendly.
Vishal, perjalanan keluarga 3 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
6/10 Bagus
29 Mei 2023
The staff at the restaurent are friendly and food is good.If you are booking cabs through the hotel, know your destination and distance beforehand so that you will not be overcharged.
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
6/10 Bagus
16 Oktober 2021
Already shared a review post check in. But in summary it’s awful. The price does not revert the quality of the hotel. It’s run down, smelly and I could not recommend to anyone. It was a dry day but unlike other hotels they completely closed the bar - couldn’t even get a soft drink had to go outside which was actually a good thing because we wanted to spend the least amount of time here! We went to the Sea Shell hotel for dinner - clean, open and useable toilets and turns our cheaper. Looks like a much better option - who cares if you don’t get the view - give me hygiene and comfort over a view any day.
Kate, perjalanan keluarga 1 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
6/10 Bagus
13 Februari 2020
The view of the ocean from the room was awesome. But otherwise the hotel looked rather dilapidated with old furniture lying in corridors
Traveler terverifikasi
Perjalanan keluarga 1 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
22 April 2019
We liked everything at the property, but our holiday was made special by the staff
Traveler terverifikasi
Perjalanan keluarga 4 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
5 Desember 2018
Drop-dead gorgeous views - seems to be from every room. Large remodeled rooms. Good restaurant. Elevated walkways. Oh and did I mention the SPECTACULAR views and location?
Traveler terverifikasi
Perjalanan romantis 1 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
8/10 Sangat Baik
14 November 2018
Nice hotel in front of beach. I liked the entire experience
Traveler terverifikasi
Perjalanan 1 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
8/10 Sangat Baik
5 Maret 2018
very good hotel
Warm friendly welcome staff were excellent
gordon, perjalanan 5 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
22 Januari 2018
Nice hotel on the water
The hotel has excellent views, it is right on the water with all rooms overlooking the ocean. The bar has a terrace looking at the water where we spent a lot of time. The food is excellent and the service amazing. Everyone was trying to make our stay enjoyable.
The only issue we had was, we were taking a nap in the afternoons and the guys would keep coming and knocking on the door (happened on two days). If you ignore, they keep ringing the bell until we open it, and then we find they want to give us a bottle of water or a complementary cookie. I think they need to be trained better to give the guests some privacy.
A, perjalanan 4 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
2/10 Buruk
26 November 2017
Bed Bugs Infested hotel
Disgusting filthy place!!! I stayed at this hotel for 2 nights in a premium room. The room was serviceable but it was not very clean and needed renovation. However, me and my wife were woken up in the middle of the night by the constant biting of bed bugs. I immediately stormed to the lobby and the front desk guy gave me another room but it too had bed bugs. Finally I was moved to another room where I could sleep. I wanted to meet the hotel's manager for this but he did not meet me. I mentioned it to the front desk but they had no remorse. This hotel charges a lot of money but its terrible!! Save your money and go elsewhere.
Tanumoy, perjalanan 2 malam
Ulasan tamu Orbitz yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
3 November 2017
Perfect location and lovely view.
We enjoyed our stay and the pool table added to our wait for the drive to the airport. We had a wonderful time and lovely complementary buffet breakfast.
Michael, perjalanan 1 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
11 Juni 2017
good hotel with a breathtaking view of the sea and good food.
jai inder
jai inder, perjalanan keluarga 1 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
20 Maret 2017
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi
2/10 Buruk
10 Oktober 2016
Terrible overrated place ... my advice don't stay
This hotel is awful and totally not worth the money. I would not recommend it to anyone. Its a very out of date hotel that has terrible faciliities and rude staff. My advice would be not to stay there and instead find one of the newer smaller hotels which will cost you a 1/4 of the price!!!
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi
8/10 Sangat Baik
21 Agustus 2016
Good facilities and the staff tried to please.
Breakfast and dining were very good.
Traveler terverifikasi
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
4/10 Lumayan
23 Juli 2016
Horrendous hospitality at Sinclairs Bayview
The Stay was way below expectation that we had from Sinclairs. The whole Hotel was being renovated and not sure why it's still open for Business. Not sure whether the management cares for it's market reputation. If you walk around the Hotel everywhere materials are littered and people are whimsically running around for work. Very Noisy because of work. Key points :
1. We checked in very late 6 PM because of Ferry issues from Havelock and informed the Hotel well in advance. Next Day had little late Flight, hence requested Reception for 2 Hrs extension in occupation of the Room. The Staff was non-cooperative and declined the request.
2. Workers were beating the Roof of my (Room #504) and nobody can stay in that Room during that time. Called up reception for help for 5/6 times. Finally, it stopped around 8.45 PM. It's really crazy for any guest for any Hotel.
3. Hotel amenities list says it has got a functional pool. But in reality, it was also under renovation.
4. Whole Hotel was not clean due to Renovation and we didn't like the stay because of cleanliness issues. Room doors were really dirty and had open wires in once the cabins. Was really shocking
5. Two things that I really liked in the View of the Sea and very cooperating Restaurant staff. We liked that very much. I really regret the choice.
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi
8/10 Sangat Baik
9 Juni 2016
Short Trip to Andamans
Great property with stunning view from the room and from hotel. Good food and good services makes it a great stay.
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi
8/10 Sangat Baik
1 Oktober 2015
we stayed 2 days at this place.
friendly staff
only thing high cab charge back to airport.
should be similar like the one from airport to the hotel
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
8/10 Sangat Baik
10 September 2015
Scenic beach facing room
Scenic beach facing room had a great view. Perfect room for couple. Neither food menu nor taste was that great. However room service and attention given towards was guest met expectation from this class of hotel. No complaints.
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
29 Agustus 2015
Probably the best hotel in Port Blair
Excellent views of the mighty Indian Ocean & Bay of Bengal from the room.
Delicious lip smacking finger licking food.
Superb location.
Global Indian
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
4/10 Lumayan
21 Agustus 2015
Disappointing stay at Sinclair
The rooms are not clean. Bed linen was not clean. The phones in the rooms do not work. Lizards and other pests in the rooms. If you do not mind all of the above, you might enjoy your stay at Sinclairs.
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
8/10 Sangat Baik
15 Juli 2015
Great place to rest if you do not need internet!
Lovely location with beautiful views. The hotel is comfortable, but the wi-fi is hit or miss and can only be used in the lobby. For a hotel of this caliber, one would hope they could get internet into their hotel rooms. Bandwidth is still an issue, however.
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
28 Juni 2015
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi
8/10 Sangat Baik
2 Juni 2015
Awesome location
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
11 April 2015
שירות מהיר אינטרנט חזק והחדר בסדר גמור
היינו בקונקשיין של מספר שעות קיבלנו שירות הסעות מדגה התעופה בדרך קיבלנו מפתחות לחדר רמת הבטיחות גבוהה במלון הכל עובר בידוק בטחוני מיד קיבלנו החדר וכך חסכנו הזמן בבוקר קיבלנו שרות הסעה לדגה התעופה היה מושלם