Avenida Niños Héroes Sm 2, Mz 5 lote 37, Puerto Morelos, QROO, 77580
Yang ada di sekitar
Pantai Ojo de Agua - 4 mnt jalan kaki - 0.4 km
Puerto Morelos Town Square - 6 mnt jalan kaki - 0.5 km
Pasar Seni - 6 mnt jalan kaki - 0.6 km
Puerto Morelos Beach - 5 mnt berkendara - 2.8 km
Kebun Binatang Crococun - 7 mnt berkendara - 5.9 km
Cancun, Quintana Roo (CUN-Bandara Internasional Cancun) - 25 mnt berkendara
Cozumel, Quintana Roo (CZM-Bandara Internasional Cozumel) - 23,8 mile/38,3 km
Antar jemput bandara (biaya tambahan)
Yum yum Wok - 3 mnt jalan kaki
Don Ernesto's - 4 mnt jalan kaki
Merkadito del Mar - 5 mnt jalan kaki
La Sirena Restaurant, Lounge and Sports Bar - 6 mnt jalan kaki
Panna e Cioccolato - 5 mnt jalan kaki
Tentang properti ini
Kaam Accommodations
Kaam Accommodations memiliki teras rooftop dan berjarak 10 menit berjalan kaki dari Puerto Morelos Town Square. Setelah berenang di salah satu 3 kolam renang outdoor, tamu dapat makan di El Pirata, yang menyajikan hidangan lokal dan internasional serta buka untuk sarapan, makan siang, dan makan malam. Terdapat teras dan taman, serta fasilitas dalam kamar yang meliputi kulkas dan microwave.
Inggris, Spanyol
Saat tiba/pulang
Check-in mulai: 15.00; Batas waktu check-in: 17.00
Tersedia check-in tanpa sentuh
Check-in lebih akhir tergantung ketersediaan
Usia check-in minimal - 18
Waktu check-out adalah tengah hari
Tersedia check-out tanpa sentuh
Pembatasan terkait perjalanan Anda
Lihat pembatasan COVID-19.
Petunjuk check-in khusus
Properti ini menawarkan transportasi dari bandara (dapat dikenakan biaya tambahan); tamu harus menghubungi properti dengan detail kedatangan sebelum perjalanan, melalui informasi kontak pada konfirmasi pemesanan.
Resepsionis buka setiap hari pada pukul 09.00 - 17.00
Tamu harus menghubungi pihak properti sebelumnya untuk mendapatkan petunjuk check-in; resepsionis hanya beroperasi dalam waktu terbatas
Harap hubungi properti setidaknya 48 jam sebelumnya, untuk mengatur prosedur check-in Anda
Harap hubungi properti sebelumnya jika Anda berencana akan tiba setelah jam 17.00
Diperlukan saat check-in
Kartu kredit, kartu debit, deposit tunai diperlukan untuk biaya tak terduga
Kartu identitas berfoto yang diterbitkan pemerintah diperlukan
Usia minimal untuk check-in adalah 18 tahun
Hewan peliharaan
Hewan peliharaan menginap gratis (???, maksimal 1, berat maks. 9 kg per hewan peliharaan)
Hewan penuntun diperbolehkan
Hewan peliharaan harus diawasi
Fasilitas properti
Dekat pantai
Kolam Renang/Spa
3 kolam renang luar ruangan
Wi-Fi gratis
Parkir dan transportasi
Parkir gratis di luar properti
Tersedia parkir di pinggir jalan
Layanan antar-jemput bandara 24 jam (biaya tambahan)
Layanan antar-jemput bandara (tersedia jika permintaan)
Restoran di properti
El Pirata
Kulkas (ukuran penuh)
Peralatan masak/ perabot/ perkakas
Pemanggang roti
Pembuat kopi/teh
Layanan kamar tersedia
Kamar Tidur
Seprai premium
Selimut bulu angsa
Seprai linen disediakan
Kamar Mandi
Perlengkapan mandi gratis
Disediakan handuk
Area huni
Ruang bersantap
Area duduk
Smart TV 40 inci dengan layanan TV kabel
Layanan streaming
Area luar ruangan
Teras atap
Area piknik
Layanan cuci kering/penatu
Kipas angin langit-langit
Hewan Peliharaan
Ramah hewan peliharaan
Binatang peliharaan dapat menginap dengan gratis
Maksimal 1 hewan peliharaan (berat maks. 9 kg per hewan)
Hanya kucing dan anjing yang diperbolehkan
Jika Anda memiliki permintaan untuk fasilitas difabel tertentu, silakan hubungi pihak properti menggunakan informasi yang terdapat pada konfirmasi reservasi yang diterima setelah pemesanan.
Tidak ada lift
Lantai atas hanya dapat diakses lewat tangga
Jalur ke pintu masuk yang terang
Dapat dilewati kursi roda (dengan batasan)
Meja registrasi yang dapat diakses kursi roda
Tinggi meja registrasi yang dapat diakses kursi roda (sentimeter): 80
Kolam renang yang dapat diakses kursi roda
Bebas rokok
Layanan dan kemudahan
Bantuan tur/tiket
Pembersihan kamar harian
Tirai jendela
Penitipan koper
Brankas di resepsionis
Resepsionis (pada jam tertentu)
Aktivitas menarik
Rental sepeda di hotel
Fitur keamanan
Detektor karbon monoksida terpasang (tuan rumah telah menginformasikan bahwa properti ini memiliki detektor karbon monoksida)
Tidak ada laporan mengenai detektor asap (belum ada informasi dari tuan rumah mengenai adanya detektor asap di properti ini)
Alat pemadam api
20 kamar
Dekorasi khusus
Kamar terhubung
Fitur khusus
Tempat makan
El Pirata - restoran ini memiliki spesialisasi hidangan lokal dan internasional dan menyajikan sarapan, makan siang, serta makan malam.
Biaya & kebijakan
Fasilitas ekstra opsional
Layanan antar jemput bandara ditawarkan dengan biaya tambahan sebesar MXN 1600 per kendaraan (pulang pergi, maksimal 6 tamu)
Penggunaan dapur/dapur kecil dapat diakses dengan biaya tambahan
Properti ini memiliki kamar yang terhubung/bersebelahan, yang tergantung pada ketersediaan dan bisa diminta dengan menghubungi properti menggunakan nomor yang ada pada konfirmasi pemesanan.
Properti ini tidak memiliki lift.
Tuan rumah telah menginformasikan bahwa properti ini memiliki detektor karbon monoksida.
Belum ada informasi dari tuan rumah mengenai adanya detektor asap di properti ini.
Tamu dapat merasa tenang dengan adanya alat pemadam api di tempat ini.
Properti ini menerima kartu kredit dan uang tunai.
Properti ini dibersihkan secara profesional.
Juga dikenal sebagai
Kaam Accommodations Aparthotel Puerto Morelos
Kaam Accommodations Aparthotel
Kaam Accommodations Puerto Morelos
Kaam Accommodations
Kaam Accommodations Aparthotel
Kaam Accommodations Puerto Morelos
Kaam Accommodations Aparthotel Puerto Morelos
Pertanyaan umum
Apakah Kaam Accommodations menawarkan pembatalan gratis untuk refund penuh?
Ya, Kaam Accommodations memiliki harga kamar refundable penuh yang tersedia untuk dipesan di situs web kami. Jika Anda memesan harga refundable, pemesanan ini dapat dibatalkan hingga beberapa hari sebelum check-in tergantung kebijakan pembatalan properti. Cukup pastikan untuk membaca kebijakan pembatalan properti ini untuk syarat dan ketentuan pastinya.
Apakah Kaam Accommodations memiliki kolam renang?
Ya, tersedia 3 kolam renang outdoor.
Apakah Kaam Accommodations mengizinkan hewan peliharaan?
Ya, anjing dan kucing menginap gratis, maksimal 1 hewan dan berat maksimum 9 kg per hewan peliharaan.
Apakah parkir di properti ditawarkan Kaam Accommodations?
Tidak, tetapi ada parkir gratis di dekatnya.
Apakah Kaam Accommodations menyediakan layanan antar-jemput bandara?
Ya, antar-jemput bandara tersedia. Biayanya sebesar MXN 1600 per kendaraan pulang pergi.
Kapan waktu check-in dan check-out di Kaam Accommodations?
Check-in mulai pukul: 15.00; Batas waktu check-in pukul: 17.00. Check-out dilakukan pada tengah hari. Check-in dan check-out tanpa kontak fisik tersedia.
Apa saja yang dapat dilakukan di Kaam Accommodations dan sekitarnya?
Kaam Accommodations memiliki 3 kolam renang outdoor dan area piknik, serta taman.
Apakah ada restoran di dekat Kaam Accommodations?
Ya, El Pirata menawarkan hidangan lokal dan internasional.
Apakah Kaam Accommodations memiliki dapur atau dapur kecil?
Ya, tersedia dapur yang juga dilengkapi dengan blender, mesin pembuat kopi, dan pemanggang roti.
Apakah Kaam Accommodations memiliki ruang outdoor pribadi?
Ya, hotel apartemen dilengkapi dengan balkon.
Seperti apa area di sekitar Kaam Accommodations?
Kaam Accommodations berada hanya 6 menit berjalan kaki dari Puerto Morelos Town Square dan 4 menit berjalan kaki dari Puerto Morelos National Marine Park.
Ulasan Kaam Accommodations
Semua ulasan yang ditampilkan berasal dari pengalaman tamu yang nyata. Hanya traveler yang telah memesan penginapan dengan kami yang dapat mengirimkan ulasan. Kami memverifikasi ulasan sesuai dengan panduan kami dan memublikasikan semua ulasan, baik itu positif maupun negatif.Informasi selengkapnyaTerbuka di jendela baru
Staf & layanan
Kondisi & fasilitas properti
Ramah lingkungan
4/10 Lumayan
6 Juni 2024
No one was at the property and we were sent to a different location. I was traveling with my elderly father and the walk between properties in the heat with our luggage was very hard for him.
Nicole, perjalanan keluarga 1 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
8/10 Sangat Baik
5 Maret 2024
Suzanne, perjalanan bersama teman 14 malam
Ulasan tamu Hotels.com yang terverifikasi
2/10 Buruk
19 Februari 2024
Highly recommend NOT STAYING HERE. Puerto Morelos is great and the location is close to everything but the actual property is 1. Not as advertised/not even the building in the pictures and 2. Rundown and gross.
In case you are still considering…
3. There was a single hand towel in our room and when I requested some sort of actual towels for showering was told not until tomorrow. After 3.5 hours and a lot of back and forth we finally ended up with towels dumped on the floor outside our room.
4. The first floor bedroom my in-laws were in did not have locking windows. No deadbolts on either of our doors, just a little push button lock. No key to the safe in our room. One of the windows facing three late night bars didn’t have any sort of covering.
5. Corners of bathroom not swept, gum stuck to floor, curtains so dirty I did not even want to touch them. The giant jug of clean” drinking water smelled funky.
6. No toiletries provided and certainly no robes like in the photos (lol). Only one pool with no outdoor lighting so unusable after 7 pm. If there was any sort of roof deck or restaurant, we did not find them.
Also, the property is in a pretty loud area but we were there on a Saturday and were expecting downtown noise. This didn’t bother us but might bother someone.
Maureen, perjalanan keluarga 1 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
6/10 Bagus
15 Februari 2024
Our first room had no running water. There was any empty room next door which we were moved into the next day somewhat begrudgingly. Once we were settled and had a bathroom to use things went OK. Location was convenient for our needs though two restaurants across the street often had loud music late into the night.
David, perjalanan romantis 10 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
18 Januari 2024
Very helpful staff
alfred, perjalanan 6 malam
Ulasan tamu Hotels.com yang terverifikasi
2/10 Buruk
1 Januari 2024
David, perjalanan 14 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
2/10 Buruk
29 Desember 2023
Dexter, perjalanan 6 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
6/10 Bagus
28 Desember 2023
The place was clean and lots of hot water. Easy access to restaurants and the beach.
Now for the downside. Checkin was difficult. First off the place doesn't have a sign. When we arrived, there was no one around. We were having difficulty with our Mexican SIM card and had to go next door to King Scuba to ask if they knew where the management was. They were very kind and tried to call a number we had as well as a number they had. No one answered either number. Not knowing what to do next we waited around and the manager and maid arrived and seemed baffled as to where to put us. They put us in a nice apartment and we asked about WIFI password. After awhile the manager gave us a password that didn't work. But eventually she got the right password. Everything seemed to be fine. After a trip to the store, we found the refrigerator wouldn't get cold but the freezer was refrigerator cold and we used that as a small refrigerator. We could never reach anyone by phone to inform them.
We met another couple on our last day that also could not reach the management to check in. I think this is a common problem.
So no I wouldn't recommend staying here.
Leslie, perjalanan romantis 5 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
8/10 Sangat Baik
17 September 2023
Louise, perjalanan keluarga 1 malam
Ulasan tamu Hotels.com yang terverifikasi
2/10 Buruk
11 Agustus 2023
No me permitieron el acceso a la propiedad, exijo el reembolso
Lidia Lopez
Lidia Lopez, perjalanan romantis 1 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
8/10 Sangat Baik
1 Juni 2023
The property was quiet and clean and a 2 minute walk to the beach. The pool was small but private. Everything was very close and walkable but still far enough away that it was peaceful. Daniela was very responsive. In fact, she noticed the cab circling the neighborhood looking for the property and stopped us, hopped in the cab and took us to the building. This was very lucky for us as the address given on Expedia is to their business office, not the properties and there are literally no signs. Other than not having the correct address, everything was great.
Anne, perjalanan 5 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
8/10 Sangat Baik
22 Mei 2023
maria teresa
maria teresa, perjalanan 1 malam
Ulasan tamu Hotels.com yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
25 Februari 2023
The showers were awesome, great water pressure and regulation.
Karen, perjalanan romantis 21 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
3 Desember 2022
Nice, clean, close to beach, close to stores and restaurants.
Very nice people in the area.
Ulasan tamu Travelocity yang terverifikasi
8/10 Sangat Baik
27 April 2022
Kaam was a great place to stay. Location was perfect. Watch the sun rise from the roof. Our room had a front and rear balcony to choose the perfect spot for coffee. Great restaurants within a minute or two. Very quiet building
Troy, perjalanan romantis 9 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
26 April 2022
We had a great vacation at this place. All we needed to do if we wanted something was to send a text message and someone helped us within a few minutes. The place was very quiet and the neighborhood felt very secure. Literally 2 minutes walk to the beach. Perfect
Daniel, perjalanan romantis 6 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
6/10 Bagus
18 Maret 2022
Basement feel
It was the bottom of the building. The ceilings were low 7 ft ceilings making it feel like a basement. There was very limited windows and they were small. Bed was comfortable spacious rooms beautiful new pool but it was still a basement. For the price we paid it wasn’t worth it. That is why I will rate this experience as just medium stars. I have experiences on multiple occasions, when the bookings come in from Hotels.Com it seems we get the budget rooms the properties have to offer. This has been my experience often.
Serena, perjalanan keluarga 1 malam
Ulasan tamu Hotels.com yang terverifikasi
8/10 Sangat Baik
14 Februari 2022
Excellent location for those wanting easy access to the beach and to the restaurant zone of town (2 blocks to each). Very clean. Nice pool area. Only challenge was getting the exact address for check in and to document on the tourist card! The check-in office is right next to Run Away Realty, and if there's no-one there, call the manager.
Michelle, perjalanan 14 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
4/10 Lumayan
29 Januari 2022
Good - room was a studio that was moderately clean. Location was close to downtown and very walkable. Bad - difficult to find, arrived at 3:45 and when found, nobody was in office to help us. Other guest at “blue” building helped us and we went “mustard” building and found cleaners who checked into our room. This was closer to 4:30 and still nobody was in the office in “blue” building. Thankfully other guests helped and our driver waited us. Discovered on the 2nd day the curtain that faces the hallway is “transparent” and you can clearly see from the outside hallway into the bathroom, especially once the lights are turned on in the evening. The curtains are stained, under the bed is dirty, floors quickly wiped, etc. For the price we paid I would expect it to be cleaner and have check in staff available.
Philip, perjalanan keluarga 2 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
22 Januari 2022
Loved it
Wonderful experience…clean, friendly, helpful staff.. very close to the beach, and safe
Karen, perjalanan 7 malam
Ulasan tamu Hotels.com yang terverifikasi
8/10 Sangat Baik
14 Desember 2021
Great little place. Perfect landing spot when you first arrive to get a lay of the land.
Jeff, perjalanan 7 malam
Ulasan tamu Hotels.com yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
3 November 2021
Très bon séjour
Grand appartement très bien équipé, bien situé. Lit confortable, par contre le canapé lit n'est pas terrible. La piscine est petite, sympathique mais elle est souvent à l'ombre. Si nous repassons à Puerto Morelos nous reviendrons
magalie, perjalanan keluarga 3 malam
Ulasan tamu Hotels.com yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
23 Agustus 2021
Sentir-se em casa
Ficamos 8 dias e apreciamos tudo. A cortesia do atendimento. A Reina nos fez sentir em casa. Tudo estava disponível, agua, toalhas de praia e uma sacola para levar; utensílios de cozinha suficientes, geladeira grande. Pequena distância da praia e da praça principal. Limpeza diária e troca de toalhas a cada dois dias. Artigos de toalete é que houve apenas para o primeiro dia. Mas esse foi apenas um detalhe. A piscina é pequena, mas nem utilizamos. Com o mar do caribe pertinho e muitos passeios, quem se importa com o tamanho da piscina?
Josiel, perjalanan 8 malam
Ulasan tamu Hotels.com yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
11 Juli 2021
We enjoyed our stay in this beautiful Kaam property. T