NR 40, MG Rd, Next to DLF Corporate Pk, Opp Neelkanth Hospital,DLF Phase 3, Gurugram, Delhi N.C.R, 122002
Yang ada di sekitar
Gurgaon Central Mall - 5 mnt berkendara - 4.2 km
DLF Cyber City - 5 mnt berkendara - 2.7 km
Fortis Memorial Research Institute - 8 mnt berkendara - 6.9 km
Ambience Mall - 9 mnt berkendara - 6.8 km
South Point Mall - 11 mnt berkendara - 8.2 km
Indira Gandhi International Airport (DEL) - 27 mnt berkendara
DLF Phase 2 Station - 22 mnt berjalan kaki
DLF Phase 3 Station - 24 mnt berjalan kaki
Sikandarpur RMRG Station - 29 mnt berjalan kaki
Stasiun Guru Dronacharya - 8 mnt berjalan kaki
Stasiun Sikandarpur - 23 mnt berjalan kaki
Stasiun Arjangarh - 25 mnt berjalan kaki
Antar jemput bandara (biaya tambahan)
Pengantaran ke stasiun kereta (biaya tambahan)
Penjemputan di stasiun kereta (biaya tambahan)
Club Lounge @ Le Meridien - 6 mnt jalan kaki
Latest Recipe - 6 mnt jalan kaki
Big jaws - 7 mnt jalan kaki
Longitude Bar - 6 mnt jalan kaki
Wokamama - 6 mnt jalan kaki
Tentang properti ini
juSTa Gurgaon
JuSTa Gurgaon berjarak 10 menit berkendara dari DLF Cyber City dan Ambience Mall. Setelah mengunjungi pusat kebugaran untuk berolahraga, Anda dapat bersantap di kedai kopi/kafe atau bersantai dengan minum di bar/lounge.Temukan fasilitas unggulan lain di hotel Gaya Art Deco ini seperti toko roti/camilan, teras, dan taman. Dekat dengan transportasi umum: Stasiun Guru Dronacharya berjarak just 8 menit jalan kaki.
Inggris, Hindi
Ukuran hotel
24 hotel
Diatur lebih dari 3 lantai
Saat tiba/pulang
Check-in mulai: 14.00; Batas waktu check-in: tengah malam
Tersedia check-in ekspres
Check-in lebih awal tergantung ketersediaan
Usia check-in minimal - 15
Waktu check-out adalah tengah hari
Check-out lebih akhie tergantung ketersediaan
Pembatasan terkait perjalanan Anda
Lihat pembatasan COVID-19.
Petunjuk check-in khusus
Properti ini menawarkan transportasi dari bandara dan stasiun kereta api (biaya tambahan mungkin berlaku); untuk mengatur penjemputan, tamu harus menghubungi pihak properti 72 jam sebelum tiba, melalui informasi kontak yang ada pada konfirmasi pemesanan.
Resepsionis akan menyambut tamu saat kedatangan
Untuk detail selengkapnya, silakan hubungi pihak properti melalui informasi yang tertera pada konfirmasi pemesanan
Untuk mendaftar di properti ini, tamu yang merupakan warga negara India harus memberikan kartu identitas berfoto yang dikeluarkan oleh Pemerintah India; traveler yang bukan warga negara India harus menunjukkan paspor dan visa yang berlaku.
Diperlukan saat check-in
Kartu kredit, kartu debit, deposit tunai diperlukan untuk biaya tak terduga
Kartu identitas berfoto yang diterbitkan pemerintah diperlukan
Usia minimal untuk check-in adalah 15 tahun
Anak berusia 8 tahun atau ke bawah diizinkan menginap gratis jika tinggal di kamar orang tua atau walinya, dengan menggunakan tempat tidur yang ada
Tidak ada tempat tidur bayi
Penitipan anak/pengasuhan bayi*
Hewan peliharaan
Hewan peliharaan atau hewan pemandu tidak diperkenankan
Gratis WiFi dan akses internet kabel di area umum
Gratis Wi-Fi dan akses internet kabel di kamar
Parkir mandiri gratis dan aman di properti
Parkir inap gratis di properti
Parkir RV/bus/truk gratis gratis di properti
Tempat parkir yang dapat diakses kursi roda di properti
Kapasitas parkir di properti terbatas
Pembatasan tinggi berlaku untuk parkir di properti
Antar jemput bandara atas permintaan ((tersedia 24 jam))*
Antar-jemput stasiun kereta*
Informasi lainnya
Fasilitas properti
Makanan dan minuman
Sarapan prasmanan (dengan biaya tambahan), setiap hari pukul 07.30–10.30
Kopi/teh di ruangan umum
Perjamuan gratis (hari tertentu)
Layanan kamar 24 jam
Toko roti/camilan
Bepergian dengan anak-anak
Anak-anak menginap bebas biaya
Penitipan anak di kamar (biaya tambahan)
Menu anak
Bekerja jauh
Pusat bisnis
Ruang rapat
Pusat konferensi (ruang 75 kaki persegi)
Resepsionis 24 jam
Layanan concierge
Bantuan tur/tiket
Layanan mobil kota/limusin
Layanan dry cleaning/laundry
Koran gratis di lobi
Penitipan koper
Staf multibahasa
Porter/bell boy
1 bangunan/gedung
Dibangun tahun 2010
Brankas di resepsionis
Pusat kebugaran
Gaya Art Deco
Fasilitas difabel
Akses kursi roda
Parkiran yang dapat diakses dengan kursi roda
Jalur ke lift yang dapat diakses kursi roda
Meja registrasi yang dapat diakses kursi roda
Pusat kebugaran yang dapat diakses kursi roda
Pusat bisnis yang dapat diakses kursi roda
Restoran yang dapat diakses kursi roda
Lantai ubin di kamar
Fasilitas kamar
Televisi LCD 32 inci
Saluran Saluran TV satelit premium
Film tayangan perdana
Kenyamanan rumah
Pengatur suhu (AC)
Kipas angin langit-langit
Pemanas air untuk kopi/teh
Setrika/meja setrika (atas permintaan)
Tidur nyenyak
Seprai antialergi
Selimut bulu angsa
Tirai kedap cahaya
Kedap suara
Layanan penyiapan tempat tidur
Seprai premium
Tempat tidur Tempur-Pedic
Tempat tidur lipat/ekstra (biaya tambahan)
Yang bisa dinikmati
Dilengkapi dengan perabotan berbeda-beda dan didekorasi berbeda-beda
Ruang duduk terpisah
Kamar mandi pribadi
Perlengkapan mandi desainer
Pengering rambut
Disediakan handuk
Sikat dan pasta gigi (sesuai permintaan)
Tisu toilet
Tetap terhubung
Meja tulis
Koran gratis
WiFi gratis dan internet berkabel
Panggilan lokal gratis
Makanan dan minuman
Air minum kemasan gratis
Pembersihan kamar harian
Brankas untuk menyimpan laptop
Biaya & kebijakan
Deposit refundable
Deposit: INR 3000 per malam
Fasilitas ekstra opsional
Internet dial-up tersedia di kamar tamu dengan biaya tambahan
Sarapan prasmanan ditawarkan dengan biaya tambahan kurang lebih INR 372 untuk orang dewasa dan INR 372 untuk anak-anak
Layanan antar jemput bandara ditawarkan dengan biaya tambahan sebesar INR 2500 per kendaraan (satu arah, maksimal 4 tamu)
Penjemputan di stasiun kereta dan layanan pengantaran ke stasiun ditawarkan dengan biaya tambahan
Check-in lebih awal dapat dilakukan dengan biaya tambahan sebesar INR 1500 (tergantung ketersediaan)
Check-out terlambat dapat dilakukan dengan biaya tambahan sebesar INR 2000 (tergantung ketersediaan)
Anak-anak & tempat tidur tambahan
Pengasuhan bayi di kamar tersedia dengan biaya tambahan
Tempat tidur lipat disediakan dengan biaya INR 2000.0 per hari
Batasan tinggi pada tempat parkir berlaku
Hanya tamu yang terdaftar yang boleh menginap di kamar.
Tamu dapat merasa tenang dengan adanya alat pemadam api, sistem keamanan, dan P3K di tempat ini.
Nama pada kartu kredit yang digunakan saat check-in untuk membayar hal-hal tak terduga harus sama dengan nama tamu utama pada pemesanan kamar.
Properti ini menerima kartu kredit, kartu debit, dan uang tunai.
Properti ini berhak untuk melakukan praotorisasi kartu kredit tamu sebelum kedatangan.
Harap diperhatikan bahwa norma budaya dan kebijakan tamu dapat berbeda berdasarkan negara dan properti. Kebijakan yang tercantum disediakan oleh properti.
Dilarang membawa makanan dari luar ke dalam properti.
Juga dikenal sebagai
Justa Residence
Justa Residence Gurgaon
Justa Residence Hotel Gurgaon
jüSTa Gurgaon Hotel
jüSTa Hotel
Justa Gurgaon Hotel Gurugram
Justa Gurgaon Hotel
juSTa Gurgaon New Delhi
juSTa Gurgaon Hotel New Delhi
Hotel juSTa Gurgaon New Delhi
New Delhi juSTa Gurgaon Hotel
juSTa Gurgaon Hotel
Hotel juSTa Gurgaon
jüSTa Gurgaon
Justa The Residence
juSTa Gurgaon Hotel
juSTa Gurgaon Gurugram
juSTa Gurgaon Hotel Gurugram
Pertanyaan umum
Apakah juSTa Gurgaon menawarkan pembatalan gratis untuk refund penuh?
Ya, juSTa Gurgaon memiliki harga kamar refundable penuh yang tersedia untuk dipesan di situs web kami. Jika Anda memesan harga refundable, pemesanan ini dapat dibatalkan hingga beberapa hari sebelum check-in tergantung kebijakan pembatalan properti. Cukup pastikan untuk membaca kebijakan pembatalan properti ini untuk syarat dan ketentuan pastinya.
Apakah juSTa Gurgaon mengizinkan hewan peliharaan?
Maaf, hewan peliharaan maupun hewan pemandu tidak diperkenankan.
Apakah parkir di properti ditawarkan juSTa Gurgaon?
Ya, tersedia parkir parkir mandiri dan parkir jangka panjang gratis. Tempat parkir terbatas. Tersedia parkir RV dan truk gratis.
Apakah juSTa Gurgaon menyediakan layanan antar-jemput bandara?
Ya, antar-jemput bandara tersedia. Biayanya sebesar INR 2500 per kendaraan satu arah.
Kapan waktu check-in dan check-out di juSTa Gurgaon?
Check-in mulai pukul: 14.00; Batas waktu check-in pukul: tengah malam. Check-in lebih awal dikenakan biaya sebesar INR 1500 (tergantung ketersediaan). Check-out dilakukan pada tengah hari. Check-out diperpanjang tersedia dengan biaya sebesar INR 2000 (tergantung ketersediaan). Check-in ekspres tersedia.
Apa saja yang dapat dilakukan di juSTa Gurgaon dan sekitarnya?
JuSTa Gurgaon memiliki pusat kebugaran dan taman.
Apakah ada restoran di dekat juSTa Gurgaon?
Ya, ada restoran di properti yang menawarkan taman.
Seperti apa area di sekitar juSTa Gurgaon?
JuSTa Gurgaon berada di DLF City, 8 menit berjalan kaki dari Stasiun Guru Dronacharya dan 7 menit berjalan kaki dari Taman Bisnis Global.
Ulasan juSTa Gurgaon
Semua ulasan yang ditampilkan berasal dari pengalaman tamu yang nyata. Hanya traveler yang telah memesan penginapan dengan kami yang dapat mengirimkan ulasan. Kami memverifikasi ulasan sesuai dengan panduan kami dan memublikasikan semua ulasan, baik itu positif maupun negatif.Informasi selengkapnyaTerbuka di jendela baru
Staf & layanan
Kondisi & fasilitas properti
Ramah lingkungan
10/10 Sempurna
29 Februari 2024
People are number 1 in this Hotel !!!!!!!!!!!!
Franck, perjalanan keluarga 2 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
2/10 Buruk
12 Januari 2024
This property is very outdated. The 1st room we had was unsafe as the balcony door did not even lock. Rooms are in need of severe updating. Lack of hot water in as much we had to use other rooms to have a shower. If the hotel was busy this would been a major problem. The staff changed our first room but was not much better. Balcony crumbling concrete above us. When asked about the NYE gala staff did not know what I was talking about. I appreciate englishbis the staffs second language. But just asking for basic information was hard to get across. I actually am a TEFL teacher so I understand how to phase things at basic English level. Room was freezing cold as well. A very over priced out dates unhelpful hotel. I won’t go into how dirty the garden looked. The photos must of been taken around 5 years ago. When asked about a discount about the lack of heat the lack of hot water having to walk through corridors or the hotel to another room. There English became totally non existent.
This hotel needs major work to bring up to a basic standard
Simon, perjalanan romantis 2 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
4/10 Lumayan
10 Januari 2024
I feel like I massively over paid for this property. The only way I can see this property had good reviews is if they are fake. The only really positive is the staff were friendly and helpful. The room was the issue - dirty covers, damp in the walls, damp in the bed headboard, window frames damp, floor worn out, the best bit was they asked if I wanted heating then brought up a tiny heater that looked worn out and made a load of noise like it would set fire at some point, also the hot water has to be requested in the evenings and takes 20 minutes to come through.
Honestly if I'd paid $15 for the room I'd have accepted it, even though I've stayed in better for that much. But I paid $94 AUD, im sure there are better options for the price. I hate to leave negative reviews but people deserve to know the truth as it's no way 4 star and no way 7.5 rating.
Ben, perjalanan 1 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
2/10 Buruk
4 Desember 2023
Hee Jae
Hee Jae, perjalanan 2 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
6/10 Bagus
10 Februari 2023
OK hotel - but need to upgrade their water heater!
It was fine - in terms of the bed, the room service food, and the breakfast it was average. The major downside was the lack of hot water -- they have a boiler that they keep off most of the time, and you need to tell them to turn it on at least an hour before you want to take a shower. Which I found out about only through taking a super cold shower one morning... And even after they turned it on, the water was lukewarm at best. Unfortunately that's a deal breaker for me and I won't be back.
Traveler terverifikasi
Perjalanan bisnis 3 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi
8/10 Sangat Baik
22 November 2021
Loveleen, perjalanan keluarga 1 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi
8/10 Sangat Baik
11 Januari 2020
Loved the 2 rooms. One like a loungeroom & the other a spacious bedroom. Great spacious bathroom with a nice bathroom. Helpful staff. Very clean. Comfy bed. Good location. Secure with guard at gate & always someone at reception. Didn't like that we constantly had to ask for hot water to be turned on late at night & again after 9am. We asked & then went for brekky waiting for it to warm up to return & it had been switched off again. Took 2.5hrs for 3 people to shower! We asked to shower in another room as it was 11:30am. They provided us a fan heater as we were cold.
Traveler terverifikasi
Perjalanan keluarga 1 malam
Ulasan tamu Wotif yang terverifikasi
8/10 Sangat Baik
26 Juli 2019
Comfortable stay
Decent place, the wall damp needs to be taken care of. The rooms are good size. However buffet can be slightly better
Sanjeev, perjalanan keluarga 1 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi
8/10 Sangat Baik
13 Mei 2019
Good staff!!!
Good Breakfast!!!!
Clean Rooms!!!
Safe Location!!!!
Traveler terverifikasi
Perjalanan bisnis 1 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
8/10 Sangat Baik
11 September 2018
Nice as always
Again a pleasure staying at this hotel. Very convenient and easy to reach. Avoid ground floor rooms though, they don't have a sitout/balcony - if that is important to you .
Food is awesome and service is great.
adi, perjalanan 3 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
8/10 Sangat Baik
10 Mei 2018
worth for money
food was good,near to DLF cyber hub,hotel staffs was very good,over all very good
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi
4/10 Lumayan
1 Maret 2018
Baljit, perjalanan romantis 1 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi
8/10 Sangat Baik
4 Januari 2018
Hotel propre à 20 min de l'aéroport de New Delhi
Hotel à 20 min de l'aéroport de New Delhi. Propre avec restaurant et room service. Il a fallu demander 3 fois pour obtenir 2 lits supplémentaires pour les enfants.
Fred, perjalanan keluarga 1 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi
6/10 Bagus
3 Desember 2017
very noise.
over all the staff were lovely and the breakfast was small but had all the basics needed. The bed was very comfortable and the water in the shower was lovely and hot, overall the room was ok. My disappointment is how noise the hotel is, you can hear a lot of banging from rooms above and also what I can only expect to be the noise from the electric running in the hotel.
Kirsty, perjalanan 2 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
4/10 Lumayan
23 Oktober 2017
It was a horrible experience. Right from the beginning the service was horrible. Rooms were double booked so I have to wait for 1hour to make adjustments. Shocked to see the horrible room condition, completely different from the photos they have shown. Dirty air conditioner, stained walls, damaged floor...unbelievable. And I had to request for hot water couple of times. Even the offered drinking water bottles were refilled, not sealed bottles. I can't expect this kind of utter service in a 4-star hotel after paying thousands of rupees. I have sent an email to the hotel in last month but no response at all. I spoiled my trip and don't recommend a stay in this hotel.
Prabhakar, perjalanan keluarga 1 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi
6/10 Bagus
15 Oktober 2017
average hotel
The hotel is located in a cozy space. Nothing good nothing bad.
Traveler terverifikasi
Perjalanan bisnis 1 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi
8/10 Sangat Baik
28 Agustus 2017
Great stay
The stay was very good and the room was amazing booked a deluxe room with balcony
Gomit, perjalanan romantis 1 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi
6/10 Bagus
29 November 2016
Ideal for cheap short stays
Okay. It is a typical Haryana house converted to hotel. The staff is not the most professional
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
19 Juli 2016
Traveler terverifikasi
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi
6/10 Bagus
14 Juli 2016
Not as good as it looks in the pics
It's not bad. But with this price you could get a much better hotel.
Traveler terverifikasi
Ulasan tamu Orbitz yang terverifikasi
8/10 Sangat Baik
20 April 2016
not too far from aiport
We like staying here after a trip, on our way back to the US. The hotel is small and so not known by many taxis. I printed a map to help them find the way, and mentioned it is near the Neelkhanth Hospital. That helps. There is a lot of road construction, but no noise from it. There is a nearby metro station too if you'd rather use that instead of a taxi. The rooms are comfortable, and the bathrooms are good. The breakfasts are good, and so is are the items on the restaurant menu. There is not too much to do nearby, within walking distance, but there are some nearby malls.
Traveler terverifikasi
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
19 April 2016
Fantastic Service
It's not a very fancy hotel but very comfortable. the staff goes all out to make your stay even more comfortable. The food is simply delicious. Chef Negi ensures your breakfast makes your day start on a bright note.
Traveler terverifikasi
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
21 Februari 2016
Very nice boutique hotel!
Booked the hotel due to its proximity to the city center and also after reading reviews on travel portals. This property topped on all parameters and won over our hearts, a simple, elegant, beautiful boutique property with an extremely efficient WiFi network. In fact the internet was the best i have every come across in hotel properties. We had dinner on bith the days of our stay at the Hotel restaurant & the food was simply mindblowing, especially the tandoor items.The breakfast menu is limited but sufficient with again the quality A+.
The rooms are biog enough and the bathroom are bigger & luxurious. They even have balconies which is amazing.
The property is just a 15 min morning drive to cyber-city. This is a very nice property and i recommend it strongly. Cheaper and better alternative with a more personalised service
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
8/10 Sangat Baik
2 Februari 2016
A well appointed surprise with excellent service.
I stayed here for two nights and I loved it. Close to the airport without being an "airport hotel." The place is a hidden gem. A small boutique hotel tucked back off the street - a bit tricky to spot - it was beautifully appointed, with excellent food and service. The decor met my tastes perfectly: classic and not overstated. Dark wood and muted teal colors. My room had a nice balcony that looked over a small garden area. The TV was updated. The bed was comfortable, and the food (room service dinners) was excellent and arrived rapidly. The tiles and fixtures showed a little wear, which was not a problem, and there wasn't a workout facility. These were the only reason I didn't give 5 stars. I would definitely stay here again!
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi
8/10 Sangat Baik
24 Desember 2015
Not too far from the airport in Gurgaon
We've been going to the Justa Residence hotels for a while now. Justa is a boutique style hotel. The hotel in Gurgaon is about a half hour or less from the IGI airport, and around 800 rupees by taxi. Or you could try the metro which is much cheaper, but have not tried as we usually have lots to carry. The hotel is usually very well run and has a nice restaurant. The buffet breakfast is good, and the items on the menu are usually very well prepared. There aren't many other restaurants in the area, some. There are some nearby small stores and pharmacies too. The beds are comfortable and the bathrooms are roomy. Hot water is on during certain hours, which is fine with us. The staff are willing to arrange transport too. the internet works well.