Hi---I was at the end of the hall--Room 329 I believe. I was assigned next to an airline pilot. Pilots are wonderful people, and it appears many use this Inn. Sadly, though, pilots rise at 4:00 am, unlike me. Sadly as well, the alarm in the room of the pilot next to me went off at 4:05 a.m.--the walls are thin enough I could easily hear him talking on the phone earlier in the evening. To test this, while I bring my own alarm clock, I checked the clock in my room: its alarm was set for 4:15 a.m. I don't think the desk clerk mistook me for a pilot, so I was sad to be awakened at 4:00 a.m. I didn't really go back to sleep that morning. It might be helpful to place non-pilots in a different area in the future. So of us are light sleepers. Thnx.