Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica

Properti bintang 4.0
Hotel pinggiran kota di Las Piedras dengan spa, restoran

Pilih tanggal untuk melihat harga

bulan Anda saat ini adalah December, 2024 dan January, 2025.
Desember 2024
Januari 2025

Galeri foto untuk Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica

Pintu masuk properti
Bungalow, pemandangan sungai | Pemandangan dari kamar
Bungalow, pemandangan sungai | Seprai linen dan jam alarm
Perawatan tubuh, pijat jaringan dalam, body scrub, dan refleksiologi


9,2 dari 10


Fasilitas populer

  • Bar
  • Transportasi bandara
  • Bebas asap rokok
  • Fasilitas laundry
  • Spa
  • Resepsionis 24/7
Fasilitas utama
  • Layanan pembersihan kamar harian
  • Restoran dan bar/lounge
  • Spa layanan lengkap
  • Antar-jemput bandara gratis
  • Teras
  • Resepsionis 24 jam
  • Taman
  • Dispenser air
  • Laundry mandiri
  • Staf multibahasa
  • Toko souvenir/kios koran
  • Penitipan koper
Seperti di rumah sendiri
  • Kamar mandi pribadi
  • Ruang duduk terpisah
  • Layanan TV kabel/satelit
  • Taman
  • Teras
  • Pembersihan kamar harian

Opsi kamar

Filter tersedia untuk kamar
Menampilkan 2 dari 2 kamar

Bungalow, pemandangan sungai


Ruang duduk terpisah
Kipas angin langit-langit
Kamar mandi pribadi
Air minum kemasan gratis
Layanan pembenahan kamar harian
  • 38 meter persegi
  • Pemandangan sungai
  • Kapasitas 3
  • 1 king ATAU 2 twin



Ruang duduk terpisah
Kipas angin langit-langit
Kamar mandi pribadi
Air minum kemasan gratis
Layanan pembenahan kamar harian
  • 38 meter persegi
  • Kapasitas 3
  • 1 king ATAU 2 twin

Properti serupa

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Tentang kawasan sekitar

Madre De Dios River Km. 15, Las Piedras, Madre de Dios, 17001

Yang ada di sekitar

  • Danau Sandoval - 31 mnt berkendara - 9.4 km
  • Maldonado Casino - 46 mnt berkendara - 21.4 km


  • Puerto Maldonado (PEM-Bandara Internasional Padre Aldamiz) - 13,8 mile/22,2 km
  • Antar jemput bandara gratis

Tentang properti ini

Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica

Saat mengunjungi Las Piedras, Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica adalah pilihan bagus yang dapat dipertimbangkan. Anda dapat makan di restoran dan mengunjungi spa untuk memanjakan diri dengan pijat jaringan dalam, lulur badan, atau refleksologi. Fasilitas seperti antar-jemput bandara gratis, bar/lounge, dan teras adalah keunggulan lainnya.


Inggris, Spanyol


Ukuran hotel

  • 35 hotel
  • Diatur lebih dari 1 lantai

Saat tiba/pulang

  • Check-in mulai: 13.00; Batas waktu check-in: 20.00
  • Usia check-in minimal - 18
  • Waktu check-out adalah 10.00

Pembatasan terkait perjalanan Anda

  • Lihat pembatasan COVID-19.

Petunjuk check-in khusus

  • Properti ini menawarkan transportasi dari bandara; untuk mengatur penjemputan, tamu harus menghubungi pihak properti 72 jam sebelum tiba menggunakan informasi kontak yang tertera dalam konfirmasi pemesanan
  • Tempat check-in berbeda dengan lokasi properti; kunjungi: [Puerto Maldonado]
  • Tamu harus menghubungi pihak properti sebelumnya untuk mendapatkan petunjuk check-in; resepsionis akan menyambut tamu saat tiba
  • Properti ini tidak bisa melayani check-in pada larut malam
  • Harap hubungi properti setidaknya 72 jam sebelumnya, untuk mengatur prosedur check-in Anda
  • Untuk detail selengkapnya, silakan hubungi pihak properti melalui informasi yang tertera pada konfirmasi pemesanan

Diperlukan saat check-in

  • Kartu kredit, kartu debit, deposit tunai diperlukan untuk biaya tak terduga
  • Kartu identitas berfoto yang diterbitkan pemerintah diperlukan
  • Usia minimal untuk check-in adalah 18 tahun


  • Anak (usia 5 tahun dan lebih muda) tidak diizinkan menginap
  • Tidak ada tempat tidur bayi

Hewan peliharaan

  • Hewan peliharaan atau hewan pemandu tidak diperkenankan


  • Tidak tersedia tempat parkir di properti


  • Antar jemput gratis atas permintaan ((tersedia 24 jam))*

Informasi lainnya

  • Properti bebas-rokok

Fasilitas properti

Makanan dan minuman

  • Sarapan prasmanan gratis
  • Restoran
  • Bar/lounge
  • Dispenser air


  • Wisata lingkungan


  • Resepsionis 24 jam
  • Fasilitas laundry
  • Penitipan koper
  • Staf multibahasa
  • Porter/bell boy
  • Paket romantis


  • Taman
  • Teras
  • Kelambu
  • Spa dengan layanan lengkap

Fasilitas kamar


  • TV kabel/satelit

Kenyamanan rumah

  • Kipas angin langit-langit
  • Sandal
  • Tirai jendela

Tidur nyenyak

  • Layanan penyiapan tempat tidur
  • Jam alarm
  • Seprai linen

Yang bisa dinikmati

  • Ruang duduk terpisah


  • Kamar mandi pribadi
  • Shower
  • Perlengkapan mandi gratis
  • Pengering rambut
  • Disediakan handuk
  • Tisu toilet

Makanan dan minuman

  • Air minum kemasan gratis


  • Pembersihan kamar harian
  • Akses melalui koridor luar

Fitur khusus


Tamu dapat memanjakan diri dengan perawatan spa layanan lengkap hotel ini. Layanan mencakup deep-tissue massage, body scrub, dan perawatan tubuh. Spa ini menyediakan aneka terapi perawatan, salah satunya adalah refleksiologi.

Biaya & kebijakan

Biaya pokok

Berikut biaya yang akan dikenakan oleh properti saat check-in atau check-out. BIaya mungkin termasuk pajak yang berlaku:
  • Anda mungkin diminta untuk membayar biaya berikut di properti: PPN/strong> Peru (18%). Wisatawan asing yang menunjukkan paspor serta visa turis/kartu imgran yang sah mungkin tidak akan dikenakan pajak pertambahan nilai (18%) ini.

Anak-anak & tempat tidur tambahan

  • Anak-anak berusia di bawah 18 tahun umumnya tidak diperbolehkan untuk menginap di properti di Peru tanpa orang tua, wali yang sah, atau penanggung jawab yang berwenang. Orang dewasa yang menemani mungkin dimintai ID mereka dan anak serta dokumentasi pendukung yang sah. Pengunjung yang berencana untuk bepergian dengan anak-anak harus berkonsultasi dengan kantor konsulat Peru sebelum bepergian untuk mendapatkan panduan lebih lanjut.

Kolam renang, spa, dan gym (jika ada)

  • Reservasi diperlukan untuk layanan pijat dan dapat dilakukan dengan menghubungi properti menggunakan nomor yang ada pada konfirmasi pemesanan.


Hanya tamu yang terdaftar yang boleh menginap di kamar.
Beberapa fasilitas mungkin memiliki akses terbatas. Tamu dapat menghubungi properti untuk mengetahui perinciannya dengan menggunakan informasi kontak pada saat konfirmasi pemesanan.
Properti ini tidak memiliki lift.
Nama pada kartu kredit yang digunakan saat check-in untuk membayar hal-hal tak terduga harus sama dengan nama tamu utama pada pemesanan kamar.
Properti ini menerima kartu kredit. Tidak menerima uang tunai.
Menurut hukum Peru, uang tunai tidak didapatkan untuk pembayaran lebih dari PEN 2.000 atau USD 500. Pembayaran lebih besar dari jumlah tersebut harus dilakukan dengan kartu kredit atau metode lain yang disetujui oleh properti dan hukum setempat. Pembayaran tidak dapat dibagi ke dalam beberapa mata uang.
Harap diperhatikan bahwa norma budaya dan kebijakan tamu dapat berbeda berdasarkan negara dan properti. Kebijakan yang tercantum disediakan oleh properti.
Properti ini mensyaratkan pembayaran dengan kartu kredit dalam waktu 30 hari sebelum kedatangan untuk sisa pembayaran pemesanan bila pembayaran biaya menginap akan dilakukan di hotel, dan bukan pada saat pemesanan.
Nomor Registrasi Properti 20309001037

Juga dikenal sebagai

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Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica Tambopata
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Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica Las Piedras
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Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica Hotel
Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica
Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica Hotel
Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica Las Piedras
Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica Hotel Las Piedras

Pertanyaan umum

Apakah Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica menawarkan pembatalan gratis untuk refund penuh?
Ya, Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica memiliki harga kamar refundable penuh yang tersedia untuk dipesan di situs web kami. Jika Anda memesan harga refundable, pemesanan ini dapat dibatalkan hingga beberapa hari sebelum check-in tergantung kebijakan pembatalan properti. Cukup pastikan untuk membaca kebijakan pembatalan properti ini untuk syarat dan ketentuan pastinya.
Apakah Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica mengizinkan hewan peliharaan?
Maaf, hewan peliharaan maupun hewan pemandu tidak diperkenankan.
Apakah parkir di properti ditawarkan Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica?
Maaf, tidak ada tempat parkir di Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica.
Apakah Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica menyediakan layanan antar-jemput bandara?
Ya, antar-jemput bandara gratis tersedia.
Kapan waktu check-in dan check-out di Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica?
Check-in mulai pukul: 13.00; Batas waktu check-in pukul: 20.00. Check-out dilakukan pada 10.00.
Apa saja yang dapat dilakukan di Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica dan sekitarnya?
Fasilitas rekreasi di properti Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica termasuk wisata lingkungan. Manjakan diri dengan perawatan di spa dan nikmati fasilitas lainnya seperti layanan spa dan taman.
Apakah ada restoran di dekat Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica?
Ya, ada restoran di properti.

Ulasan Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica



Luar biasa




Staf & layanan




Kondisi & fasilitas properti


Ramah lingkungan


8/10 Sangat Baik

Reserva Amazonica is a beautiful property located 40mins by bost from Puerto Maldonado. We spent 2 nights there and generally had a good experience. The lodges are beautiful, clean and well equipped and staff is really nice and attentive. The nature surrounding the hotel is beautiful and there are some small animals / birds that can be found on property. The included excursions are interesting (we mostly enjoyed the canopy walk and lake Sandoval). Unfortunately, we were there during a cold spell and we only had limited animal sightings. A few points for improvement: 1) We didn't have hot water at any point during our stay. Probably ok when it's super hot outside, but not good when the weather is cold 2) Our flight was slightly delayed and we arrived at 15:30 the first day. Lunch was extended to accommodate us, which was great, but there was no communication/ discussion about the details of the excursions, which we only found out during the night boat ride. Would have been good to be able to choose what excursions we wanted, or at least have the schedule upfront so we know what we're doing 3) The SPA is not equipped for cold weather (it's an open building like the lodges) and the massage was not enjoyable due to the room being too cold.
Dimitrios, perjalanan romantis 2 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

Just book it!
Treat yourself and stay here, it will not disappoint. Excellent food and plenty of activities. If I had to dig deep for something to complain about it would be that the beautiful cabins don’t have AC so nights can be a little warm for sleeping. But it’s the Jungle, and warm that not the fault of the resort.
Jason, perjalanan bersama teman 3 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

6/10 Bagus

Perjalanan 3 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

Pierre, perjalanan 2 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi

4/10 Lumayan

Needs an overhaul to improve quickly
Need a major overhaul since it was built in 1975. Rooms and dining areas were not water proof from tropical storms. We slept on a wet bed! Most of the staff were very nice people but they will do well from some training to expect requests that are not formula. Food was ok for 3 stars. The excursions were good but some times tiring. For the cost, we had expected more.
l, perjalanan 4 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

8/10 Sangat Baik

Very nice environment. Friendly staff. Need to improve food
Ufuk, perjalanan bersama teman 2 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

Friendly staff
Perjalanan keluarga 4 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

A wonderful time
We loved the service and the tours!
Anna, perjalanan 4 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

Magical rainforest experience
We had an amazing time at the hotel. The food and the daily excursions were excellent. The staff is very friendly and the property is magical.
Perjalanan 3 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

Peter, perjalanan 2 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

Very luxurious lodge experience - but I got sick
amazing service, tours, and dining services. The host and guide (Alma and Hugo) respectively were amazing. However, I felt strong food poisoning (nausea and threw up) within 10 hours after check-out. IDK if I was unlucky or something in the food. However, I enjoyed all the meals in the moment. They even did a surprise birthday welcome sign and cake for my partner because it was his birthday trip. The boat trips to access the lodge were so surreal.
Perjalanan 2 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

We had the most magical and memorable experience! We were picked up by Tony who was great and our tour guide Paulo was amazing and very knowledgeable! We will be returning.
Perjalanan romantis 2 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

Enjoy the Amazon
Staff was great. Food was excellent. Our guide, Javier, was amazing. Beautiful location
Sandra, perjalanan keluarga 3 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

Luxury cabin in the jungle. Beautiful property features very nice clubhouse and dining area, great staff, excellent tours. Truly keeping with the nature of the jungle while offering some modern comfort.
Perjalanan bersama teman 3 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

Lovely lodge, not much wild life
Excellent service, lovely property. Excursions weren’t great - we saw very little wild life, although perhaps that was due to rain, and many of the offered excursions seemed to be on inkaterra property. Perhaps the lodge is not well-located for seeing wildlife - the best excursions incurred extra cost because they were far away. We didn’t have water in our cabin one night - couldn’t even wash our hands - which is not great at this price point. Other than that, cabin was very comfortable and staff very helpful. Food was good and plentiful.
Perjalanan keluarga 3 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

8/10 Sangat Baik

Lovely lodge on the river bank, especially in the evening when all the kerosene lamps are lit. Knowledgeable guides and friendly staff. But unfortunately also a case of food poisoning the last night.
Marianne, perjalanan romantis 3 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

Pierrick, perjalanan romantis 2 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

Relaxing All-Inclusive Jungle Oasis
Absolutely incredible trip! The staff at Inkaterra makes all the difference. I sent them our flight arrival and departure times and they took care of the rest! We were picked up at the airport, took a bus for 10 min, then a boat for 30 min and landed in paradise. Freddy recommended a perfect itinerary for us. We were given a schedule of meals and didn’t have to think about a thing. Extra thanks to Freddy (our amazing and knowledgeable guide) and Ruth (a brilliant masseuse who helped eased my muscles after Machu Picchu). I would come again and recommend this to my family and friends.
Amy, perjalanan bersama teman 2 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

4/10 Lumayan

Great Location, Poor service/communication/organizational skill The lodge is located ~1 hour boat ride from Puerto Maldonado. You will get picked up at airport and transported to the lodge which is on the banks of the Madre de dios river. The property and the lodge is pristine, but the communication of staff was very poor. You get assigned a guide and a concierge to look after you for the trip. This is what defines your trip. If you get a good guide you have a good trip. We got a really bad guide who was totally disinterested and did not explain anything. Our concierge guy took off for his holiday for 2 days and there was no one looking after us. After one excursion, we asked (3 different people) to change our guide. Finally we were assigned a new guide (by asking us to tag along with other groups). The new guide was great and we tipped him well. However the managers of the property are not well placed to handle situations where guides/concierge are not good. Some of the restaurant staff are friendly, and some are really rude. If you ask something like hot water, the staff might ask you to go get it yourself. IMPORTANT TIP: If you don't like your guide, change it. It will define your experience. This reserve could be great if only they focus on hiring only the best staff and having zero tolerance for disinterested staff. Most people come here for 3-4 days.
Perjalanan 4 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

Great adventure in the Amazon!
Definitely a unique experience in the Amazon at Inkaterra. Highly recommend to people looking for a unique adventure. There was a range of activities that allow you to experience the Amazon in different ways. I recommend 3 nights, which give you 2 full days. I dont feel like you need any more or less time to experience everything and relax (always time for a "siesta!"). The food was great. Service was also fabulous. Note when you are booking -- the food cost for breakfast lunch, and dinner is included with your room, but all drinks are paid for a la carte. The cabanas were more like cabins. Not a ton of privacy since there are screens around each cabana with shdes for privacy, but that is it. In my opinion, it was more like upscale "glamping," which I enjoyed, but may not be right for everyone! No internet or cell service available in this location!
Heather, perjalanan keluarga 3 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

8/10 Sangat Baik

Schöne Lodge
Eine schöne Lodge mitten im Urwald. Guter, freundlicher und zuvorkommender Service, gutes Essen. Die Lodges stehen recht eng beieinander, insofern hört man nicht nur die fantastischen Tiergeräusche, sondern durchaus auch die Nachbarn von diversen Seiten. Der River View ist unbedingt zu empfehlen.
Sabine, perjalanan romantis 3 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

Amazing experience
The place id absolItaly spectacular! Great service and amazing food!
Raphael, perjalanan romantis 3 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

Lovely lodge in rain forest.
MARGARET, perjalanan keluarga 4 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

Great chance to see jungle & eat fresh vegetables
We really enjoyed the excursions included with our stay. The boat rides and hikes allowed us to safely view birds and other animals without unnecessarily disturbing the animals or putting ourselves at risk. The tent cabins were comfortable and listening to the sound of the birds at night was very peaceful. The food at the restaurant was good, especially because they used filtered water to wash the vegetables. During most of our trip, we avoided salad, so it was nice to enjoy it at Inkaterra. We also appreciated hearing about their ongoing collaboration with researchers, which allows the guides to present up to date information about the wildlife.
Diana, perjalanan 2 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

Great all inclusive lodge in the jungle
Liked pretty much everything about it. Great location, great room, great food, great tours included. Would highly recommend
Alla, perjalanan 3 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi