An inexpensive hotel, so I did not expect 5-star anything; however, the room was dilapidated and had roaches and bugs running freely, even in the microwave. The hotel has mandatory bug spraying the first Monday of each month, which I learned about when I checked in, in which you must leave the room and then return to the poison sprayed, and it was really not much to be honest. I watched as the ,a walked in and sprayed about as much as, or should as I say, as little as possible. This made the bugs come out more to be honest. With some paint and new sheets and some bathroom work, yes…the bathroom looked like it was in a hurricane, this hotel could be decent. The mgmt should really look into a real pest control instead of this spritz.
I travel with my own pillows and blanket, all of which, along with the clothes I had, I had to throw away as I could not risk having cockroach eggs hatching everywhere.
There were a lot of the, after the “spray”.
I then called, which was a difficult task, having gone through their automated system for 5 minutes, to only reach someone who said “Sorry. You will receive an email regarding this in 72 hours”. Yay! An email. Classy. As classy as this hotel. I blame for this more than the hotel itself.