Lying Liars
I booked a "pet-friendly" room (using to the filters on the Expedia app) because my cat was with us, while we were driving through snow from Massachusetts to Pennsylvania. When we arrived for check-in, I was told that they only accept dogs - not cats. I always check the hotel website for details, and I did not see anything on the website stipulating only dogs. I still do not see it, although the hotel receptionist insisted that the website states no cats. Since we could not leave the cat in the car in freezing weather, I asked for a refund. She said that my card had not been charged. Well, I was charged. I called Expedia for help. Expedia tried to get me a refund, but no go. I have been charged for a room that the hotel prevented us from using due to their lack of communication. By the way, this hotel is still listed as "pet friendly" on Expedia, so Expedia needs to fix this also.
I would add that we make this same trip multiple times per year and almost always stay overnight in Shippensburg; this hotel just lost our future business, and we will write negative reviews everywhere we can. Is the deceit and lying really worth it?
BEWARE: If you do not already know how this works, we pay Expedia, and Expedia pays the hotel. In my case, the hotel requested and received the funds from Expedia, so technically, the hotel did not charge my card. But this is still lying in my book.