Lot 372 Coolshade Villas, Richmond Estate, Ocho Rios, St. Ann's Bay, Saint Ann
Yang ada di sekitar
Priory Beach - 6 mnt berkendara - 4.8 km
Dolphin Cove - 8 mnt berkendara - 5.9 km
Air Terjun Sungai Dunn - 8 mnt berkendara - 6.0 km
Gunung Mystic - 9 mnt berkendara - 7.0 km
Pantai Penyu - 12 mnt berkendara - 9.2 km
Ocho Rios (OCJ-Bandara Internasional Ian Fleming) - 30 mnt berkendara
Montego Bay (MBJ-Bandara Internasional Sir Donald Sangster) - 88 mnt berkendara
Antar jemput bandara (biaya tambahan)
Mandalay Asian Restaurant - 3 mnt berkendara
Bob Marley Bar - 4 mnt berkendara
Boulangerie - 13 mnt berkendara
Just Coool A.K.A Puddin Man - 6 mnt berkendara
Bamboo Blu - 4 mnt berkendara
Tentang properti ini
Seluruh tempat
Anda akan memiliki seluruh rumah untuk diri Anda sendiri dan hanya akan berbagi dengan tamu lain dalam rombongan Anda.
Ocho Rios Villas at Coolshade II
Saat Anda menginap di Vila ini, Anda akan berada 10 menit berkendara dari Air Terjun Sungai Dunn dan Jamaica Beaches. Setelah bermain air di kolam renang outdoor, Anda dapat bersantai menikmati minuman di bar tepi kolam renang.Pusat kebugaran 24 jam, lapangan tenis outdoor, dan kolam renang anak adalah keunggulan lainnya. Traveler menyukai kondisi keseluruhan.
Saat tiba/pulang
Check-in mulai: 15.00; Batas waktu check-in: 06.00
Usia check-in minimal - 18
Waktu check-out adalah 09.00
Pembatasan terkait perjalanan Anda
Lihat pembatasan COVID-19.
Petunjuk check-in khusus
Properti ini menawarkan transportasi dari bandara (dapat dikenakan biaya tambahan); tamu harus menghubungi properti dengan detail kedatangan sebelum perjalanan, melalui informasi kontak pada konfirmasi pemesanan.
Properti ini tidak memiliki resepsionis
Tamu harus menghubungi properti untuk informasi check-in
Harap hubungi properti setidaknya 72 jam sebelumnya, untuk mengatur prosedur check-in Anda
Untuk detail selengkapnya, silakan hubungi pihak properti melalui informasi yang tertera pada konfirmasi pemesanan
Diperlukan saat check-in
Kartu kredit, kartu debit, deposit tunai diperlukan untuk biaya tak terduga
Kartu identitas berfoto yang diterbitkan pemerintah diperlukan
Usia minimal untuk check-in adalah 18 tahun
Penitipan anak/pengasuhan bayi*
Hewan peliharaan
Hewan peliharaan tidak diperkenankan
Fasilitas properti
Dekat pantai
Kolam Renang/Spa
Kolam renang luar ruangan
Kursi berjemur
Wi-Fi gratis
Parkir dan transportasi
Gratis parkir mandiri di properti
Tersedia tempat parkir dengan akses kursi roda
Layanan antar-jemput bandara 24 jam (biaya tambahan)
Layanan antar-jemput bandara (tersedia jika permintaan)
Ramah keluarga
Boks bayi (tempat tidur bayi): USD 7.00 per malam
Kolam renang anak
Taman bermain
Pengasuhan bayi (biaya tambahan)
Kulkas (ukuran penuh)
Over pemanggang
Peralatan masak/ perabot/ perkakas
Ketel listrik
Pembuat kopi/teh
Bar di kolam renang dan bar tepi kolam renang
Kamar Tidur
1 kamar tidur
Seprai premium
Seprai linen disediakan
Seprai katun Mesir
Kamar Mandi
2 kamar mandi
Kombinasi shower/bathtub
Disediakan handuk
Perlengkapan mandi gratis
Pengering rambut
Area huni
Ruang huni
Ruang bersantap
Area duduk
TV layar datar 56 inci dengan layanan TV kabel
Kolam renang atau meja biliar
Pemutar DVD
Pemutar CD
Area luar ruangan
Balkon atau teras
Pemanggang barbekyu
Area piknik
Fasilitas penatu
Ruang kerja
Meja tulis
Kipas angin langit-langit
Hewan Peliharaan
Hewan peliharaan tidak diperkenankan masuk
Jika Anda memiliki permintaan untuk fasilitas difabel tertentu, silakan hubungi pihak properti menggunakan informasi yang terdapat pada konfirmasi reservasi yang diterima setelah pemesanan.
Kedap suara
Jalur perjalanan yang dapat diakses kursi roda
Tempat parkir yang dapat diakses kursi roda
Bebas rokok
Layanan dan kemudahan
Pembersihan kamar terbatas
Setrika/meja setrika
Penitipan koper
Tirai tidak tembus cahaya
Air minum kemasan gratis
Keunggulan lokasi
Dekat laut
Di sebelah lapangan golf
Aktivitas menarik
Pusat kebugaran 24 jam
Lapangan tenis outdoor
Dekat dengan tempat snorkeling
Dekat dengan tempat naik kayak
Dekat dengan tempat scuba diving
Dekat dengan tempat selancar angin
Dekat dengan tempat surfing/boogie boarding
Fitur keamanan
Tidak ada laporan tentang detektor karbon monoksida (belum ada informasi dari tuan rumah mengenai adanya detektor karbon monoksida di properti ini; pertimbangkan untuk membawa detektor portabel)
Detektor asap terpasang (tuan rumah telah menginformasikan bahwa properti ini memiliki detektor asap)
Alat pemadam api
3 kamar
1 lantai
1 gedung
Dibangun tahun 2000
Dekorasi khusus
Biaya & kebijakan
Deposit refundable
Deposit tunai: USD 106 per masa menginap
Biaya pokok
Berikut biaya yang akan dikenakan oleh properti saat check-in atau check-out. BIaya mungkin termasuk pajak yang berlaku:
Biaya pembersihan: USD 75 per akomodasi, per masa menginap
Biaya layanan: USD 30 per akomodasi, per malam
Fasilitas ekstra opsional
Layanan antar-jemput bandara ditawarkan dengan biaya tambahan sebesar USD 240 per kendaraan (pulang pergi)
Anak-anak & tempat tidur tambahan
Pengasuhan bayi tersedia dengan biaya tambahan
Tempat tidur bayi tersedia dengan biaya USD 7.00 per malam
Belum ada informasi dari tuan rumah mengenai adanya detektor karbon monoksida di properti ini; pertimbangkan untuk membawa detektor portabel Anda sendiri.
Tuan rumah telah menginformasikan bahwa terdapat detektor asap di properti.
Tamu dapat merasa tenang dengan adanya alat pemadam api dan P3K di tempat ini.
Properti ini menerima kartu kredit dan uang tunai.
Harap diperhatikan bahwa norma budaya dan kebijakan tamu dapat berbeda berdasarkan negara dan properti. Kebijakan yang tercantum disediakan oleh properti.
Tamu yang memesan 5 malam atau lebih mendapatkan sarapan gratis. Tamu yang berhak dan ingin memesan sarapan harus menghubungi properti minimal 72 jam sebelum kedatangan agar tersedia cukup waktu untuk menyediakan makanan di lemari es unit. Sarapan ala kontinental disiapkan sendiri oleh tamu.
Juga dikenal sebagai
Ocho Rios Villas Coolshade II Villa St. Ann's Bay
Ocho Rios Villas Coolshade II Villa
Ocho Rios Villas Coolshade II St. Ann's Bay
Ocho Rios Villas Coolshade II
Ocho Rios Villas Coolshade II Vacation Casa Villa St. Ann's Bay
Ocho Rios Villas Coolshade II Vacation Casa Villa
Ocho Rios Villas Coolshade II Vacation Casa St. Ann's Bay
Ocho Rios Villas Coolshade II Vacation Casa
Ocho Rios at Coolshade II
Ocho Rios Villas Coolshade II Villa St. Ann's Bay
Ocho Rios Villas Coolshade II St. Ann's Bay
Villa Ocho Rios Villas at Coolshade II St. Ann's Bay
St. Ann's Bay Ocho Rios Villas at Coolshade II Villa
Villa Ocho Rios Villas at Coolshade II
Ocho Rios Villas at Coolshade II St. Ann's Bay
Ocho Rios Villas at Coolshade II By The Vacation Casa
Ocho Rios Villas Coolshade II Villa
Ocho Rios Villas Coolshade II
Ocho Rios At Coolshade Ii
Ocho Rios At Coolshade Ii
Ocho Rios Villas at Coolshade II Villa
Ocho Rios Villas at Coolshade II St. Ann's Bay
Ocho Rios Villas at Coolshade II Villa St. Ann's Bay
Pertanyaan umum
Apakah Ocho Rios Villas at Coolshade II menawarkan pembatalan gratis untuk refund penuh?
Ya, Ocho Rios Villas at Coolshade II memiliki harga kamar refundable penuh yang tersedia untuk dipesan di situs web kami. Jika Anda memesan harga refundable, pemesanan ini dapat dibatalkan hingga beberapa hari sebelum check-in tergantung kebijakan pembatalan properti. Cukup pastikan untuk membaca kebijakan pembatalan properti ini untuk syarat dan ketentuan pastinya.
Apakah Vila ini memiliki kolam renang?
Ya, ada kolam renang outdoor dan kolam renang anak.
Apakah Vila ini mengizinkan hewan peliharaan?
Maaf, hewan peliharaan tidak diperkenankan.
Apakah parkir di properti ditawarkan Vila ini?
Ya, tersedia parkir parkir mandiri gratis.
Apakah Vila ini menyediakan layanan antar-jemput bandara?
Ya, antar-jemput bandara tersedia. Biayanya sebesar USD 240 per kendaraan pulang pergi.
Kapan waktu check-in dan check-out di Vila ini?
Check-in mulai pukul: 15.00; Batas waktu check-in pukul: 06.00. Check-out dilakukan pada 09.00.
Apa saja yang dapat dilakukan di Ocho Rios Villas at Coolshade II dan sekitarnya?
Asah ketangkasan permainan tenis Anda di lapangan tenis. Nikmati segarnya berenang di kolam renang outdoor atau manfaatkan fasilitas vila lainnya, seperti pusat kebugaran 24 jam dan area piknik. Ocho Rios Villas at Coolshade II juga memiliki taman.
Apakah Ocho Rios Villas at Coolshade II memiliki dapur atau dapur kecil?
Ya, tersedia dapur yang juga dilengkapi dengan oven pemanggang, blender, dan mesin pembuat kopi.
Apakah Ocho Rios Villas at Coolshade II memiliki ruang outdoor pribadi?
Ya, vila memiliki balkon atau patio dan halaman.
Seperti apa area di sekitar Ocho Rios Villas at Coolshade II?
Ocho Rios Villas at Coolshade II berada hanya 19 menit berjalan kaki dari Jamaica Beaches.
Ulasan Ocho Rios Villas at Coolshade II
Sangat Bagus
Semua ulasan yang ditampilkan berasal dari pengalaman tamu yang nyata. Hanya traveler yang telah memesan penginapan dengan kami yang dapat mengirimkan ulasan. Kami memverifikasi ulasan sesuai dengan panduan kami dan memublikasikan semua ulasan, baik itu positif maupun negatif.Informasi selengkapnyaTerbuka di jendela baru
Staf & layanan
Kondisi & fasilitas properti
2/10 Buruk
25 Agustus 2022
Chaira, perjalanan 11 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
2/10 Buruk
20 Agustus 2022
Samantha, perjalanan 5 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
20 Juli 2022
We had a fantastic stay at Cool Shade. We were two minutes away from the pool and enjoyed the backyard oasis. We definitely will be coming back!!!
Shyshy, perjalanan keluarga 3 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
7 Februari 2020
Traveler terverifikasi
Perjalanan bisnis 1 malam
Ulasan tamu Travelocity yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
7 Februari 2020
We had to walk two minutes to the pool. We could have done better with a villa closer to the pool. Everything else went well. Would go back again.
Trumbell, perjalanan keluarga 3 malam
Ulasan tamu Travelocity yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
29 Januari 2020
Traveler terverifikasi
Perjalanan keluarga 1 malam
Ulasan tamu Travelocity yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
21 Maret 2019
Location was accross from Chucka cove. Convenient for excursions. 15 mins from Dunns river falls, Mystic and Ocho Rios town. You need a car or to arrange for a taxi to transportation. The villa was beautifully decorated, clean, convenient to food places. Gorgeous landscaping and peacful. Contained a full kitchen with utensils and washing machine.
Happy, perjalanan keluarga 2 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
8/10 Sangat Baik
12 Februari 2019
The accommodations and amenities were above the average. The manager did what was required of here but could spend a little more time educating us on what there is to do in the area considering we did share it was our first time in the country. It is very nice and could use improvements in some very small areas.
Laura, perjalanan keluarga 2 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
30 Januari 2019
If you're planning on staying at this or any of the Coolshade I recommend that you get some wheels. The villa is about 10 minutes away from city center and was a little bit further than we anticipated. The property manager was very good about taking care of us and made arrangement with a driver (Mr King) who took us around to the city and to all the attractions. The cost for having an all day driver was pretty reasonable. After going around the city we were glad that we choose Coolshade because there aren't too many nice places to stay that is closer to the city. The service at Coolshade is as we expected it. The manager was friendly and she arranged a lady to make meals for us and make our beds. That was not a public service but the cost was cheap. We were a group of 6 and we split the cost. If you want a nice big villa and no hotel staff bothering Coolshade is the place. Overall wear very happy with the staff, service and the villa itself. "One Love Jamaica!"
Acasius, perjalanan 2 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
8/10 Sangat Baik
12 Januari 2019
Great location, comfy but ...
The location and general condition of the property was good. I was charged an additional $110 that had to be paid in cash to the “property manager” While the house had potential it was not properly cleaned. There was underwear from previous guest left in one of the drawers, Chips bag in the couch and all sorts of things under the couch. The linen (all) and towels were discolored and looked liked they were not washed from the previous guests. While the property has a lot of potential, there needs to be more attention to details.
Traveler terverifikasi
Perjalanan keluarga 2 malam
Ulasan tamu Hotels.com yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
8 November 2018
Ocho Rios is such a beautiful part of Jamaica I almost didn't want to leave my villa. The villa was nicely decorated. The community is gated and has a big pool which we really enjoyed. Lorain who was our property manager was supper help full, she made sure that we had extra pool towels during our stay. We had plenty of space at the villa for all of us. I would highly recommend this place to anyone looking to stay in Ocho Rios.
Traveler terverifikasi
Perjalanan 1 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
4/10 Lumayan
19 Agustus 2018
Horrible Customer Service
This is not a hotel. There was too much correspondence and hassle to get into this place. The villa is beautiful, but we did have a problem with ants, in the kitchen as well as in the laundry room. The property manager actually responded to our text with cry-laughing emojis, but customer service leaves lots to be desired throughout Jamaica. Overall, I would not recommend.
Giovanni, perjalanan keluarga 2 malam
Ulasan tamu Hotels.com yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
10 Juli 2018
I never met Kevin the coordinator, but he was the person to first reached out to us. The Coordinator ensured we knew where we were going to and ensure the manager will be waiting to receive us. We had a good stay at Coolshade, a real gem. The villa functioned much more like a home stay. We had all the amenities of home and a very spacious kitchen. I enjoyed good meals, family, attractions and nights out on the town. I am going back next summer.
Judy, perjalanan 1 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
14 Mei 2018
I spent eleven nights at this location. I had a great stay, the host was very accommodating and flexible with some minor bedding changes that I wanted. The attractions were really near (most of them a short driving distance), I recommend renting a vehicle (we had a rental through a family friend and drove to Ochi from Kingston) or taking a taxi because the tours companies in Ocho Rios are ridiculously overpriced. Example it’s about $20 to get into Dunns River falls, if you do it through the tour you pay $125!!! No thank you. The space itself was a far larger than expected. It is a mansion compare to what is shown in the photos. Just perfect for a decent size family to share and enjoy. Too bad we did not take the kids on this trip. The pool is nice and the private beach wasn’t too far away. I would recommend booking this one if Ocho Rios is you destination. Safe travels.
Alex DuRos
Alex DuRos, perjalanan 1 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
8/10 Sangat Baik
20 Maret 2018
Richmond estate villas
Rocky beginning- entry instructions lacking. $135 fee needs to be in cash which we were told when we were at the gate before providing us the actual address of the villa. He said we had to pay a $20 a night upcharge for the 3rd person in our party. After almost 20 mins of back an forth, he decided there would be no upcharge. Once inside were told we would not get breakfast as we needed to give 72 hours notice that we wanted it which is not stated. Once we passed those issues, had keys in hand we thoroughly enjoyed the villa and its amenities.
Yolanda, perjalanan bersama teman 3 malam
Ulasan tamu Hotels.com yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
23 Desember 2017
The villa was very spacious and comfortable.
The manager of the property, Ms. Beverly McKie was amazing. She made sure we knew were everything was located, arranged transportation, and provided meals.
chrystal, perjalanan 2 malam
Ulasan tamu Orbitz yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
20 November 2017
Very nice villa
This place was very homey and safe. It was actually is far better than the pictures. Immediate and continuous hot water for showers, high speed internet, other amenities all in working order. For a fun group trip or big family trip as the villa had three bedrooms and lots of common areas! To top it off Kelly the house lady was awesome! She came in to help us open one of the room doors that was locked. Kelly guided us to all the worthwhile attractions and gave us tips. I would definitely go back!
Shericca Blaine
Shericca Blaine, perjalanan 2 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
6 Juli 2017
Beautiful Villa...best choice
The villa was beautiful, traveling with a family of five we enjoyed our stay. The villa was decorated very nice and upgraded. The community was safe,clean,quiet and relaxing. The rooms were very spacious. My family and I will be visiting soon to this same villa it was a great choice and a decent price for the nights we stayed. Everything was local and the famous restaurant Scotchies is right down the street with the best jerk and food.
Ulasan tamu Orbitz yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
4 Juni 2017
Nice Apartment Style Villa!
I stayed at this property for a long weekend in January 2017. The property is very well kept, clean, and spacious. The owner is very helpful and friendly. I also loved the fact that it is located close to a market, and all of the fun attractions in Ocho Rios. I would highly recommended this place to anyone looking for a nice quiet neighborhood to escape to.