Nightlife in Manila is really vibrant and lively. Filipinos personify the ‘life and soul of the party’ notion, and much like their Spanish counterparts, their ability to sing and dance is an inherent characteristic. Combined with a great sense of humour, you’ll be treated to some great partying while in Manila. Karaoke, as in most Asian countries, is a national sport and mercilessly encouraged by locals, so have a backup plan of sorts.

Malate is one of the most famous party districts, but Makati and Global City also have bar strips in the Greenbelt and Bonifacio High Street, respectively. In Quezon City, Morato Avenue is dotted with bars, dining places and comedy clubs. Eastwood City in Quezon City is another favourite hangout among locals.

Hiburan malam terbaik di Manila

Kisah unggulan & hal yang menyenangkan

Tempat menginap di Manila

Mulai merencanakan perjalanan Anda

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