Atraksi wisata di Khao Lak

Kisah unggulan & hal yang menyenangkan

Makanan & tempat makan di Khao Lak

  • 5 Best Restaurants in Khao Lak

    The best restaurants in Khao Lak rustle up the very best of southern Thai cuisine, particularly when it comes to seafood. But in this region’s diners, you can dine on health food concoctions, tasty bites for vegans, and grilled meats galore. You’ll also find plenty of European and western favourites. Whether you want to share a seafood platter on the beach,...

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Tempat belanja & suvenir di Khao Lak

  • 5 Best Places to Go Shopping in Khao Lak

    The best places to go shopping in Khao Lak offer some interesting options for beachwear, Thai-style souvenirs, and other exotic items. Clusters of markets, malls and stores near pristine beaches make Khao Lak just as appealing to shoppers as it is to sunbathers. Whether you want to browse local tailors along the main road, spend your evening at a night market...

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Atraksi & aktivitas malam di Khao Lak

  • 5 Best Things to Do After Dinner in Khao Lak

    The best things to do after dinner in Khao Lak are widely varied, from helping out local conservation efforts to attending eco-friendly parties. The region is central to global conservation efforts, and the activities you can take part in reflect that green attitude. There are plenty of activities that take you back to the wild, like camping, fishing, and watching turtle...

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Informasi bermanfaat

  • Khao Lak Travel Essentials

    Our Khao Lak Travel Essentials guide contains all the basics and details you need for an unforgettable holiday in this mountainous region. You'll find information about the local climate in addition to the currency, plug styles, electricity and emergency phone numbers. Plus, this guide offers insight into how to get to Khao Lak and travel around town after arrival. No trip...

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Tempat menginap di Khao Lak

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