The nice lady at check in warned the WiFi was “spotty”. And no guarantee on the WiFi. Well, spotty is a very generous description of a place that had very little WiFi, no cell signal (our phones went to SOS mode), and had a landline phone that was purely decorative as there was no dial tone. They advertised “CABLE TV”, which is a lie. They supply a TV which is attached to the nonexistent WiFi. We tried for over half an hour to connect to our personal Netflix account, to no avail. You can’t keep internet for 5 minutes to establish the connection. Two lights burnt out in living area, filthy uncomfortable deck furniture, and uncomfortable couches made hanging out challenging. The bed was ancient and sagging in the middle and neither of us slept well. The hairdryer is a wall mounted one that has not been actually mounted to a wall, so you have this clunky thing to plug in and try to dry your hair with that. Not a single hook in the bathroom, and the one towel rack was so small that only one towel folded in half fits on it. No where to hang another towel or robe. This place is not cheap enough and should come with a warning that is it COMPLETELY OFF THE GRID. Pack a ton of books and a book light.