LH Hotel Andreotti

Properti bintang 3.0
Hotel Gaya Beaux Arts terhubung dengan pusat perbelanjaan, berada dalam jangkauan dari Tangga Spanyol

Pilih tanggal untuk melihat harga

bulan Anda saat ini adalah December, 2024 dan January, 2025.
Desember 2024
Januari 2025

Galeri foto untuk LH Hotel Andreotti

Bar (di properti)
Parkir di hotel
Minibar, meja kerja, Wi-Fi gratis, dan seprai linen


7,8 dari 10


Fasilitas populer

  • Parkir tersedia
    Parkir tersedia
  • Sarapan gratis
    Sarapan gratis
  • Ramah hewan peliharaan
    Ramah hewan peliharaan
  • Resepsionis 24/7
    Resepsionis 24/7
  • AC
  • Wi-Fi Gratis
    Wi-Fi Gratis
Fasilitas utama
  • Layanan pembersihan kamar harian
  • Layanan kamar
  • Layanan limo/towncar
  • Resepsionis 24 jam
Seperti di rumah sendiri
  • Anak-anak menginap gratis
  • Kamar mandi pribadi
  • Pembersihan kamar harian
  • Lift
  • Minibar
  • Pengatur suhu dalam kamar (AC)
Harga sekarang Rp1.109.769
total Rp1.421.513
termasuk pajak & biaya lainnya
11 Des - 12 Des

Opsi kamar

Filter tersedia untuk kamar
Menampilkan 5 dari 5 kamar

Kamar Quadruple Standar


Kamar mandi pribadi
Pengering rambut
Kombinasi shower/bathtub
  • Kapasitas 4
  • 1 double dan 2 twin

Kamar Double Ekonomi


Kamar mandi pribadi
Pengering rambut
Kombinasi shower/bathtub
  • Kapasitas 2
  • 1 double

Kamar Double atau Twin Standar


Kamar mandi pribadi
Pengering rambut
Kombinasi shower/bathtub
  • Kapasitas 2
  • 1 queen ATAU 2 twin

Kamar Double Deluks


Kamar mandi pribadi
Pengering rambut
Kombinasi shower/bathtub
  • Kapasitas 2
  • 1 queen

Kamar Triple Standar


Kamar mandi pribadi
Pengering rambut
Kombinasi shower/bathtub
  • Kapasitas 3
  • 1 double dan 1 twin

Properti serupa

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Tentang kawasan sekitar

Via Castelfidardo, 55, Rome, Lazio, 00185

Yang ada di sekitar

  • Via Veneto - 15 mnt jalan kaki - 1.3 km
  • Tangga Spanyol - 4 mnt berkendara - 2.5 km
  • Colosseum - 4 mnt berkendara - 3.0 km
  • Air Mancur Trevi - 5 mnt berkendara - 3.0 km
  • Villa Borghese - 7 mnt berkendara - 4.4 km


  • Ciampino Airport (CIA) - 39 mnt berkendara
  • Rome (FCO-Bandara Internasional Fiumicino - Leonardo da Vinci) - 43 mnt berkendara
  • Stasiun Rome Euclide - 5 mnt berkendara
  • Roma (XRJ-Stasiun Kereta Api Termini) - 7 mnt berjalan kaki
  • Stasiun Rome Termini - 7 mnt berjalan kaki
  • Stasiun Castro Pretorio - 5 mnt berjalan kaki
  • Stasiun Repubblica - Opera House - 10 mnt berjalan kaki
  • Termini Tram Stop - 10 mnt berjalan kaki


  • ‪La Famiglia - ‬2 mnt jalan kaki
  • ‪Trimani il Wine Bar - ‬3 mnt jalan kaki
  • ‪Caffè Niagara - ‬3 mnt jalan kaki
  • ‪Da Dino - ‬3 mnt jalan kaki
  • ‪Africa - ‬1 mnt jalan kaki

Tentang properti ini

LH Hotel Andreotti

LH Hotel Andreotti berjarak 5 menit berkendara dari Tangga Spanyol dan Piazza di Spagna. Manfaat gratis termasuk WiFi dan sarapan prasmanan setiap hari antara pukul 07.00 dan 10.00. Selain itu, Colosseum dan Air Mancur Trevi hanya berjarak 5 menit berkendara.Transportasi umum berada tidak jauh: Stasiun Castro Pretorio berjarak 5 menit dan Stasiun Repubblica - Opera House berjarak 10 menit.


Inggris, Prancis, Italia, Spanyol


Ukuran hotel

  • 51 hotel
  • Diatur lebih dari 5 lantai

Saat tiba/pulang

  • Waktu check-in mulai pada 14.00
  • Usia check-in minimal - 18
  • Waktu check-out adalah 10.30

Pembatasan terkait perjalanan Anda

  • Lihat pembatasan COVID-19.

Petunjuk check-in khusus

  • Resepsionis akan menyambut tamu saat kedatangan
  • Properti ini tidak bisa melayani check-in pada larut malam

Diperlukan saat check-in

  • Kartu kredit, kartu debit, deposit tunai diperlukan untuk biaya tak terduga
  • Kartu identitas berfoto yang diterbitkan pemerintah diperlukan
  • Usia minimal untuk check-in adalah 18 tahun


  • Anak berusia 3 tahun atau ke bawah diizinkan menginap gratis jika tinggal di kamar orang tua atau walinya, dengan menggunakan tempat tidur yang ada
  • Tidak ada tempat tidur bayi

Hewan peliharaan

  • Hewan peliharaan diperbolehkan (???, maksimal 1)*
  • Hewan penuntun diperbolehkan
  • Hewan peliharaan harus diawasi


  • Gratis WiFi di area umum
  • Gratis Wi-Fi di kamar (kecepatan: 100+ Mbps (cocok untuk 1–2 orang atau hingga 6 perangkat))

Informasi lainnya

  • Melayani tamu gay dan/atau lesbian

Fasilitas properti

Makanan dan minuman

  • Sarapan prasmanan gratis setiap pagi pukul 07.00–10.00
  • Layanan kamar

Bepergian dengan anak-anak

  • Anak-anak menginap bebas biaya


  • Resepsionis 24 jam
  • Layanan mobil kota/limusin


  • 1 bangunan/gedung
  • Gaya Beaux Arts

Fasilitas difabel

  • Lift
  • Lebar pintu lift (sentimeter): 80

Fasilitas kamar


  • Televisi LCD
  • TV satelit

Kenyamanan rumah

  • Pengatur suhu (AC)
  • Minibar

Tidur nyenyak

  • Seprai linen


  • Kamar mandi pribadi
  • Kombinasi shower/bathtub
  • Kloset
  • Perlengkapan mandi gratis
  • Pengering rambut
  • Disediakan handuk

Tetap terhubung

  • Meja tulis
  • Akses Internet nirkabel gratis (kecepatan 100+ Mbps (cocok untuk 1–2 orang atau hingga 6 perangkat))


  • Pembersihan kamar harian

Biaya & kebijakan

Biaya pokok

Berikut biaya yang akan dikenakan oleh properti saat check-in atau check-out. BIaya mungkin termasuk pajak yang berlaku:
  • Pajak yang dikenakan oleh pemerintah kota: EUR 6.00 per orang, per malam, maksimal 10 malam. Pajak ini tidak berlaku bagi anak berusia di bawah 10 tahun tahun.

Anak-anak & tempat tidur tambahan

  • Semua tamu, termasuk anak-anak, harus hadir saat check-in dan menunjukkan kartu identitas berfoto atau paspor yang dikeluarkan pemerintah.

Hewan peliharaan

  • Hewan pemandu tidak dikenakan biaya
  • Binatang peliharaan diizinkan dengan biaya tambahan sebesar EUR 20 per hewan, per hari


Properti ini menerima tamu LGBTQ+.
Hanya tamu yang terdaftar yang boleh menginap di kamar.
Properti ini menerima tamu tanpa memandang orientasi seksual dan identitas gender (ramah LGBTQ+).
Properti ini menerima kartu kredit dan uang tunai.
Transaksi tunai di properti ini tidak dapat melebihi EUR 5000 karena peraturan nasional. Untuk penjelasan lebih lanjut, hubungi properti dengan menggunakan informasi yang ada pada konfirmasi pemesanan.

Juga dikenal sebagai

Andreotti Hotel
Andreotti Rome
Hotel Andreotti
Hotel Andreotti Rome
Andreotti Hotel Rome
Hotel Andreotti
LH Hotel Andreotti Rome
LH Hotel Andreotti Hotel
LH Hotel Andreotti Hotel Rome

Pertanyaan umum

Apakah LH Hotel Andreotti menawarkan pembatalan gratis untuk refund penuh?
Ya, LH Hotel Andreotti memiliki harga kamar refundable penuh yang tersedia untuk dipesan di situs web kami. Jika Anda memesan harga refundable, pemesanan ini dapat dibatalkan hingga beberapa hari sebelum check-in tergantung kebijakan pembatalan properti. Cukup pastikan untuk membaca kebijakan pembatalan properti ini untuk syarat dan ketentuan pastinya.
Apakah LH Hotel Andreotti mengizinkan hewan peliharaan?
Ya, anjing dan kucing diizinkan, maksimal 1 hewan. Dikenakan biaya sebesar EUR 20 per hewan, per hari. Kecuali hewan pemandu.
Kapan waktu check-in dan check-out di LH Hotel Andreotti?
Anda dapat check-in mulai pukul 14.00. Check-out dilakukan pada 10.30.
Seperti apa area di sekitar LH Hotel Andreotti?
LH Hotel Andreotti berada di Pusat Kota Roma, 5 menit berjalan kaki dari Stasiun Castro Pretorio dan 15 menit berjalan kaki dari Via Veneto.

Ulasan LH Hotel Andreotti







Staf & layanan




Kondisi & fasilitas properti


Ramah lingkungan


8/10 Sangat Baik

A good stay
We had a very nice stay. A bit too much perfume in the room from the cleaning and the pillows are hard. Otherwise we were happy 😊 lovely to be near the termini in a good and safe area
Maria, perjalanan 3 malam
Ulasan tamu Hotels.com yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

Great location and comfortable room
I stayed here at the recommendation of a friend who lives in the area (where his family stays when visiting). Lovely hotel - charming (has one of the old fashioned gated elevators). Room felt spacious (save shower which was fairly tight though I’m a person of size - can’t imagine my brother fitting in the shower comfortably). Thank goodness for working AC as Rome in August is brutally hot. Front desk staff Antonio checked me in and was fantastic. Helped me get the AC working - provided recommendations on things to do and astutely alerted me the A line on the metro was down (the line to take to the Vatican). Loved that the hotel was only a 5-8 minute walk from Termini station and there were several good restaurants and a convenience store all within a few blocks walk of the hotel. There’s complimentary breakfast in the mornings that was quite substantial in offerings and delicious. I’d certainly stay here again if I’m fortunate enough to visit Rome again. I’d be remiss not to mention the number of homeless people in the area. Never felt unsafe however I found I needed to be more alert than usual as they would sometimes lie in unexpected ways/places (like legs extended out into walking path) and nearly stumbled over a person who was lying not far from the hotel entrance.
Chrystal, perjalanan 3 malam
Ulasan tamu Hotels.com yang terverifikasi

8/10 Sangat Baik

Perjalanan 3 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

Отличный отель в центре Рима!
Замечательный отель в центре Рима! До достопримечательностей - рукой подать, везде ходили пешком. Интерьер потрясающий! Отзывчивый персонал, всегда помогали. В номере не было чайника - попросила, все принесли, по вечерам приносили в номер конфетки) Завтрак отличный! Есть и фрукты, и овощи, и суп, горячее 4 вида, выпечка, кофе, чай. Рядом продуктовый магазин Conad, чудесный ресторанчик al39 и джелатерия la romana (советуем!) Остались довольны, спасибо!
Eleonora, perjalanan 4 malam
Ulasan tamu Hotels.com yang terverifikasi

8/10 Sangat Baik

Gayet güzel iş görür
3 gece kaldık gayet memnunduk. Sessiz sakin bir yer bulunduğu sokak da hem çok merkezi hem de arada olduğu için gürültüsüz bir yer. Banyo oda temiz, internet sıcak su başarılı, kısa tatiller için ideal işinizi görür.
Emre, perjalanan 3 malam
Ulasan tamu Hotels.com yang terverifikasi

6/10 Bagus

Reasonable for short trip
I have only negative thoughts that I had asked for queen or king size and they said ok. But their solution was put two twin size beds together! Smart idea... Great location, good breakfast option, clean staff. But if you dont wanna pay extra euro tourist tax per night you can find all thing I mentioned at 2 stars hotels.
Soner, perjalanan 3 malam
Ulasan tamu Hotels.com yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

It was a very nice property, friendly and helpful staff and the breakfast was very good. Enjoyed our stay. Would recommend this hotel. Close to train station.
Lianne, perjalanan bersama teman 2 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi

6/10 Bagus

La posizione è ottima: a 10 minuti dalla stazione Termini a piedi, in una strada silenziosa e tranquilla anche di giorno. Il personale è molto professionale e cordiale, sia alla reception che in sala da pranzo, così come anche gli addetti alle pulizie.Pulizia buona. Colazione varia laqualità è nella media da bar. Noi abbiamo optato per una stanza superior, ma il dubbio che ci sia stata data una stanza standard è più che forte. C’è il frigo, la cassaforte in un comodo armadio, il poggia-valigia e una piccola scrivania con sedia e TV. Ma è una volta entrati nel bagno che ci siamo accorti che qualcosa non quadrava. Piccolissimo, la distanza tra il water e la doccia è talmente piccola che le ginocchia di una persona di 1.80 urtano al vetro della doccia. Il lavabo è simile a quello di Barbie, anch’esso piccolissimo al punto che bisogna prestare attenzione nel lavarsi le mani, affinché non urtino la ceramica o lo scarico. Tutto pulito, saponi e accessori da bagno sufficienti, phon e anche un paio di pantofole nuove (il secondo paio a richiesta). Il problema sono le dimensioni, soprattutto per una camera superior. Insospettiti da ciò, guardo sul sito dell’hotel e noto che le foto della nostra stanza corrispondono esattamente alla camera standard. Faccio notare questa cosa alla reception e mi viene risposto, con molta educazione, che le foto sono vecchie, che il sito non è aggiornato. Il dubbio a noi resta e, comunque, il bagno è del tutto insufficiente anche per una stanza standard.
Perjalanan 2 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

Un séjour magnifique!
Ce fut une découverte 5 étoiles! Cet hôtel est très bien situé (moins de 6 minutes de la gare Termini et de la station de métro du même nom). Un personnel charmant et avenant! Les chambres sont bien agencées et grandes! Le service et les prestations de la chambre sont très bien, il y a un frigo dans la chambre, des volets occultants et une climatisation efficace. Le petit-déjeuner est délicieux, choix très variés et frais. Pour un prix plus que convenable! Une adresse à recommander. Nous reviendrons à Rome et nous reviendrons dans cet hôtel. Magnifique
Franck, perjalanan keluarga 4 malam
Ulasan tamu Hotels.com yang terverifikasi

8/10 Sangat Baik

Bad ist sehr klein, deutliche Schimmelspuren im Duschbereich. Betten sehr gut, Unterkunft ist in ihrer "Plüschigkeit" sehenswert. Leider nur zweo verschiene deutschsprachige Fernsehprogramme, das ist zu wenig.
Perjalanan romantis 5 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi

8/10 Sangat Baik

Consigliato per la zona
Inizio col dire che la posizione dell'hotel è ottima, molto vicino a termini e facilmente raggiungibile a piedi in meno di 10 minuti. La camera non era grandissima ma tutto era molto curato e pulito, lo stile anche mi è piaciuto particolarmente. La colazione di cui abbiamo usufruito è internazionale, quindi sono presenti sia dolci che salati, ed era molto ben fornita(da quello che ho letto se non siete sicuri potete anche non prenotarla insieme all'hotel, ma richiederla direttamente quando arrivate in hotel per 5€ a persona). Il personale è stato molto gentile, e appena siamo arrivati la camera era già pronta. La camera è anche ben fornita per quanto riguarda il materiale da bagno(cuffie per capelli, saponette, spugne, molti asciugamani). Nel complesso mi sono trovato molto bene e lo consiglio, visto anche il prezzo basso che ho pagato, nonostante abbia prenotato solo un paio di giorni prima.
Luca, perjalanan romantis 1 malam
Ulasan tamu Hotels.com yang terverifikasi

6/10 Bagus

I have previously stayed at this hotel and was very pleased with my stay. Unfortunately this was not the case this time. We had requested a twin room because I was travelling with my 12 year old grandson, we were given a double room and told it would be sorted, it was not. This was very inconvenient. It was a very small room with hardly enough room to walk round the bed. One chair and no kettle. The facilities last time were much better and certainly a better quality room. Very disappointing. The hotel was clean and the breakfast excellent but I will not want to stay there again
Perjalanan keluarga 2 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

Old Roman repose
Very nice traditional hotel with good facilities. 10 mins way walk from Termini for railway and airport regular service. Also 10 mins from Piazza della Republica and Via National.
George, perjalanan romantis 1 malam
Ulasan tamu Hotels.com yang terverifikasi

4/10 Lumayan

Never again.
Booked a triple room. What was said in the description didnt match the room. It was like we got a double room and they jammed a bed in a corner. Shower/bath non existent. Shower barely fit 1 person in it. Cup tipped from Coffee machine during breakfast spilling hot coffee on me. Service staff rolled their eyes and thought it was my fault. Noone asked if i was ok, began mopping floor ignored the fact i was covered in coffee. Pointed out the faulty cup stand that collapsed, they said they knew it was broken, yet never removed or repaired it. A lot of loud talking and ignoring the guests during breakfast. Staff were to interested in fixing food for themselves and socialising with each other, to care about the guests needs. Definitely a 3 star hotel, with 0 star service.
Damian, perjalanan keluarga 4 malam
Ulasan tamu Hotels.com yang terverifikasi

4/10 Lumayan

Very disappointing experience. Not one single word written in English, not one single international TV channel in all rooms. The shower has no curtain which means every time someone takes a shower, the floor turns into a small pool of water, becomes slippery and the chances are people have more chance to get hurt. Don’t even try their breakfast, they charge €12 per person, and it’s tasteless. Just wondering how this hotel got 4 stars? I will never go back there again.
J.B, perjalanan keluarga 1 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi

8/10 Sangat Baik

Perjalanan 1 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi

6/10 Bagus

Perjalanan 2 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi

8/10 Sangat Baik

Great location
Great place to stay. Very small room with very small shower. Clean hotel with clean rooms and AC. Very convenient location. Good free breakfast.
Perjalanan keluarga 4 malam
Ulasan tamu Hotels.com yang terverifikasi

8/10 Sangat Baik

Perjalanan 3 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi

8/10 Sangat Baik

Sture, perjalanan romantis 4 malam
Ulasan tamu Hotels.com yang terverifikasi

8/10 Sangat Baik

Perjalanan 3 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi

6/10 Bagus

Buon hotel Old Style, ma...
Hotel stile inizio '900, abbastanza accogliente. Personale cortese e disponibile. La prima notte dal bagno proveniva un insopportabile odore di marcio/salmastro, e l'aria era davvero irrespirabile. Il giorno dopo, dietro nostre rimostranze, il personale ci ha spostato in una stanza, appena liberata, dove non abbiamo avuto alcun problema.
Massimo, perjalanan keluarga 2 malam
Ulasan tamu Hotels.com yang terverifikasi

8/10 Sangat Baik

Amir, perjalanan keluarga 2 malam
Ulasan tamu Hotels.com yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

Kurt, perjalanan romantis 3 malam
Ulasan tamu Hotels.com yang terverifikasi

8/10 Sangat Baik

Perjalanan 4 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi