Canal Suites Amsterdam

Properti bintang 4.0
Hotel apartemen pusat kota hanya beberapa langkah dari Rembrandt Square

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bulan Anda saat ini adalah December, 2024 dan January, 2025.
Desember 2024
Januari 2025

Galeri foto untuk Canal Suites Amsterdam

Apartemen Deluks, pemandangan kanal | Seprai premium, minibar, setrika/meja setrika, dan Wi-Fi gratis
Detail eksterior
Apartemen Deluks, pemandangan kanal | Seprai premium, minibar, setrika/meja setrika, dan Wi-Fi gratis
Apartemen Deluks, pemandangan kanal | Seprai premium, minibar, setrika/meja setrika, dan Wi-Fi gratis
Apartemen Deluks, 2 kamar tidur, pemandangan kebun | Teras/patio


8,4 dari 10

Sangat bagus

Fasilitas populer

  • Area lounge
    Area lounge
  • Dapur
  • Lemari es
    Lemari es
  • Fasilitas laundry
    Fasilitas laundry
  • Bebas asap rokok
    Bebas asap rokok
  • Wi-Fi Gratis
    Wi-Fi Gratis
Fasilitas utama
  • 7 hotel apartemen bebas-rokok
  • Layanan pembersihan kamar mingguan
  • Layanan kamar
  • Brankas di resepsionis
  • Layanan laundry
  • Layanan concierge
  • Penitipan koper
  • Pemesanan tur/tiket
  • Tersedia loker
Seperti di rumah sendiri
  • Dapur
  • Ruang makan terpisah
  • Ruang duduk terpisah
  • TV
  • Pembuat kopi/teh
  • Minibar

Opsi kamar

Filter tersedia untuk kamar
Menampilkan 4 dari 4 kamar

Apartemen Deluks, 2 kamar tidur, pemandangan kebun


Ruang makan terpisah
Ruang duduk terpisah
Penghangat ruangan
Mesin cuci piring
TV layar datar
Mesin cuci
  • 75 meter persegi
  • 2 kamar tidur
  • 1 kamar mandi
  • Kapasitas 4
  • 2 king

Apartemen Deluks, pemandangan kanal


Ruang makan terpisah
Ruang duduk terpisah
Penghangat ruangan
Mesin cuci piring
TV layar datar
Mesin cuci
  • 40 meter persegi
  • 1 kamar tidur
  • 1 kamar mandi
  • Pemandangan kanal
  • Kapasitas 2
  • 1 king

Apartemen Deluks (Souterrain)


Ruang makan terpisah
Ruang duduk terpisah
Penghangat ruangan
Mesin cuci piring
TV layar datar
Mesin cuci
  • 45 meter persegi
  • 1 kamar tidur
  • 1 kamar mandi
  • Pemandangan perairan
  • Kapasitas 2
  • 1 king

Apartemen Superior, 1 Tempat Tidur King, pemandangan kanal


Ruang makan terpisah
Ruang duduk terpisah
Penghangat ruangan
Mesin cuci piring
TV layar datar
Mesin cuci
  • 45 meter persegi
  • 1 kamar tidur
  • 1 kamar mandi
  • Pemandangan kanal
  • Kapasitas 2
  • 1 king

Properti serupa

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Tentang kawasan sekitar

Keizersgracht 818, Amsterdam, 1017EE

Yang ada di sekitar

  • Rembrandt Square - 5 mnt jalan kaki - 0.5 km
  • Rijksmuseum - 16 mnt jalan kaki - 1.4 km
  • Dam Square - 18 mnt jalan kaki - 1.6 km
  • Leidse Square - 19 mnt jalan kaki - 1.6 km
  • Museum Van Gogh - 4 mnt berkendara - 2.9 km


  • Schiphol Airport (AMS) - 25 mnt berkendara
  • Stasiun Rokin - 13 mnt berjalan kaki
  • Stasiun Pusat Amsterdam - 24 mnt berjalan kaki
  • Amsterdam (ZYA-Amsterdam Central Station) - 24 mnt berjalan kaki
  • Keizersgracht Stop (4) - 2 mnt berjalan kaki
  • Prinsengracht Stop (4) - 4 mnt berjalan kaki
  • Stasiun Waterlooplein - 6 mnt berjalan kaki


  • ‪Cafe Gollem Amstelstraat - ‬4 mnt jalan kaki
  • ‪Ali Ocakbaşı - ‬4 mnt jalan kaki
  • ‪Café van Leeuwen - ‬3 mnt jalan kaki
  • ‪The Lebanese Sajeria - ‬2 mnt jalan kaki
  • ‪Bouwman Café - ‬4 mnt jalan kaki

Tentang properti ini

Canal Suites Amsterdam

Canal Suites Amsterdam berada di lokasi strategis, dalam jarak 10 menit jalan kaki dari Rembrandt Square dan Pasar Bunga. Fasilitas ekstra seperti mesin cuci, kulkas, dan microwave tersedia di semua hotel apartemen. Transportasi umum berada tidak jauh: Keizersgracht Stop (4) berjarak 2 menit dan Prinsengracht Stop (4) berjarak 4 menit.


Belanda, Inggris, Prancis, Jerman, Portugis, Spanyol


Saat tiba/pulang

  • Check-in mulai: 15.00; Batas waktu check-in: 23.00
  • Usia check-in minimal - 18
  • Waktu check-out adalah 11.00

Pembatasan terkait perjalanan Anda

  • Lihat pembatasan COVID-19.

Petunjuk check-in khusus

  • Properti ini tidak memiliki resepsionis
  • Tempat check-in berbeda dengan lokasi properti; kunjungi: [Weteringschans 253 Amsterdam Canal Hotel]
  • Tamu harus menghubungi properti sebelumnya untuk mendapatkan petunjuk check-in; akses melalui pintu masuk pribadi
  • Harap hubungi properti setidaknya 72 jam sebelumnya, untuk mengatur prosedur check-in Anda

Diperlukan saat check-in

  • Kartu kredit diperlukan untuk biaya tak terduga
  • Kartu identitas berfoto yang diterbitkan pemerintah diperlukan
  • Usia minimal untuk check-in adalah 18 tahun

Hewan peliharaan

  • Hewan peliharaan tidak diperkenankan

Fasilitas properti


  • Wi-Fi gratis


  • Kulkas
  • Kompor
  • Microwave
  • Oven
  • Pencuci piring
  • Pembuat espresso
  • Ketel listrik
  • Peralatan masak/ perabot/ perkakas
  • Pembuat kopi/teh


  • Minibar
  • Layanan kamar tersedia

Kamar Tidur

  • Seprai premium
  • Seprai linen disediakan

Kamar Mandi

  • Shower rainfall
  • Disediakan handuk
  • Pengering rambut
  • Perlengkapan mandi gratis

Area huni

  • Ruang bersantap
  • Area duduk


  • TV layar datar dengan layanan TV kabel


  • Mesin cuci
  • Layanan cuci kering/penatu


  • Penghangat ruangan

Hewan Peliharaan

  • Hewan peliharaan tidak diperkenankan masuk


  • Jika Anda memiliki permintaan untuk fasilitas difabel tertentu, silakan hubungi pihak properti menggunakan informasi yang terdapat pada konfirmasi reservasi yang diterima setelah pemesanan.
  • Tidak ada lift
  • Lantai atas hanya dapat diakses lewat tangga
  • Dapat dilewati kursi roda (dengan batasan)
  • Bebas rokok

Layanan dan kemudahan

  • Layanan concierge
  • Bantuan tur/tiket
  • Pembersihan kamar mingguan
  • Setrika/meja setrika
  • Penitipan koper
  • Brankas di resepsionis
  • Tersedia loker

Keunggulan lokasi

  • Di pusat kota

Fitur keamanan

  • Tidak ada laporan tentang detektor karbon monoksida (belum ada informasi dari tuan rumah mengenai adanya detektor karbon monoksida di properti ini; pertimbangkan untuk membawa detektor portabel)
  • Tidak ada laporan mengenai detektor asap (belum ada informasi dari tuan rumah mengenai adanya detektor asap di properti ini)
  • Alat pemadam api


  • 7 kamar

Biaya & kebijakan

Deposit refundable

  • Deposit: EUR 1000 per akomodasi, per masa menginap

Biaya pokok

Berikut biaya yang akan dikenakan oleh properti saat check-in atau check-out. BIaya mungkin termasuk pajak yang berlaku:
  • Pajak kota/lokal yang berlaku sebesar 12.50 persen akan dikenakan

Anak-anak & tempat tidur tambahan

  • Tamu harus menghubungi pihak properti sebelumnya untuk memesan tempat tidur bayi


Properti ini tidak memiliki lift.
Belum ada informasi dari tuan rumah mengenai adanya detektor karbon monoksida di properti ini; pertimbangkan untuk membawa detektor portabel Anda sendiri.
Belum ada informasi dari tuan rumah mengenai adanya detektor asap di properti ini.
Tamu dapat merasa tenang dengan adanya alat pemadam api di tempat ini.
Kebijakan atau biaya pembatalan khusus mungkin berlaku untuk reservasi kelompok (lebih dari 8 kamar di properti/tanggal menginap yang sama).
Properti ini menerima kartu kredit dan kartu debit. Tidak menerima uang tunai.
Properti ini berhak untuk melakukan praotorisasi kartu kredit tamu sebelum kedatangan.

Juga dikenal sebagai

Canal Suites Amsterdam Apartment
Canal Suites Apartment
Canal Suites
Canal Suites Amsterdam Amsterdam
Canal Suites Amsterdam Aparthotel
Canal Suites Amsterdam Aparthotel Amsterdam

Pertanyaan umum

Apakah Canal Suites Amsterdam menawarkan pembatalan gratis untuk refund penuh?
Ya, Canal Suites Amsterdam memiliki harga kamar refundable penuh yang tersedia untuk dipesan di situs web kami. Jika Anda memesan harga refundable, pemesanan ini dapat dibatalkan hingga beberapa hari sebelum check-in tergantung kebijakan pembatalan properti. Cukup pastikan untuk membaca kebijakan pembatalan properti ini untuk syarat dan ketentuan pastinya.
Apakah Canal Suites Amsterdam mengizinkan hewan peliharaan?
Maaf, hewan peliharaan tidak diperkenankan.
Kapan waktu check-in dan check-out di Canal Suites Amsterdam?
Check-in mulai pukul: 15.00; Batas waktu check-in pukul: 23.00. Check-out dilakukan pada 11.00.
Apakah Canal Suites Amsterdam memiliki dapur atau dapur kecil?
Ya, tersedia dapur yang juga dilengkapi dengan mesin espresso, mesin pembuat kopi, dan peralatan masak.
Seperti apa area di sekitar Canal Suites Amsterdam?
Canal Suites Amsterdam berada di Pusat Kota Amsterdam, 2 menit berjalan kaki dari Keizersgracht Stop (4) dan 18 menit berjalan kaki dari Dam Square.

Ulasan Canal Suites Amsterdam



Sangat Baik




Staf & layanan




Kondisi & fasilitas properti


Ramah lingkungan


8/10 Sangat Baik

Selin, perjalanan bisnis 7 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

Katrina, perjalanan 8 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

6/10 Bagus

Very close to many sites, grocery, restaurants, and public transportation.
Theresa, perjalanan keluarga 8 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi

8/10 Sangat Baik

Very cute space in an excellent location, well-appointed with fully functional kitchen. That said, there were a bunch of small issues that made this a four-star review and not a five. Flat instead of fitted sheet on the mattress meant my side kept coming untucked every night, and I'd find I was sleeping on the mattress pad. Air circulation isn't great, and the free-standing AC unit blows cold out the front and hot out the back, meaning if the kitchen is cool, the living room is hot. Better to use the windows and the fan setting. No instructions for guests on how to use the oven/micro or the dishwasher so you're left to puzzle it out on your own. Had to call more than once to get coffee supply refills - the machine in the room used different size pods than what we could get in the grocery. Being off site from main property means no on-site staff, so if anything is needed after hours (including a lock-out assist) you need to go to the main hotel several blocks away, since the solo staffer can't leave the property. Anyhow, all of these add up to minor annoyances in what was a great stay. They say location, location, location, and being able to look out the front window of a first-floor walkup onto the canal, the boats, the bridge, and the Amstel, as well as the H*ART museum and opera house on the other side was priceless, as was being able to hit Bakkerij Verhagen for pastry, bread, and coffee/OJ in the mornings (just at the other end of the block!).
Jonathan, perjalanan romantis 7 malam
Ulasan tamu Orbitz yang terverifikasi

2/10 Buruk

Ian, perjalanan 7 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi

6/10 Bagus

Pictures presented online looked nothing like the unit itself, we were stuck in a basement level room that was dingy and needing maintenance. The carpets were filthy, the AC didn’t work, there is mold in the bathroom, and when I reached out about the A/C and to mention the room looked nothing like the expectations that were set, the man literally told me “I don’t know what you want me to do about it”. Told me to email the property. Management never returned my email about these issues. Housekeeping just drops off towels. The location is great, but I would have got a hotel had I known the condition of the place. I feel like I got bait and switched.
Bruce, perjalanan romantis 8 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi

8/10 Sangat Baik

Great Location
Place was nice looks just like the photos. Very spacious. Great location, centrally located to everything that we were interested in. Overall had a great stay. The apartment does not have AC or fans. We were there during a heatwave so it was miserable for a few days. We had to go buy a few fans.
Eniayo, perjalanan keluarga 10 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

Very pleased with the hotel 5/5
Merilin, perjalanan romantis 4 malam
Ulasan tamu Ebookers yang terverifikasi

8/10 Sangat Baik

The Good: 1) Great location !! 4 tram stops from Centraal Station ! Suite is right on the canal system ! Wonderful old home with lots of history, I'm sure. Great restaurants & supermarkets near by. Great bakery at the corner up the street. 2) Very attentive staff. Any issues, they were on top of it. You can contact them any hour of the day. 3) Quiet neighborhood at night. You can hear the early morning birds as you wake in the morning. Feels like Heaven on earth. 4) The Dutch are very kind & classy people. The Not So Good: 1) Stairs, stairs & more stairs. Because the homes in Amsterdam are narrow & very tall , there are a lot of stairs. This suite is definitely not for older people , or any people with mobility issues. 2) Upkeep in the suite could be better. The frying pan supplied in the kitchen was worn & heavily stained. There was a nasty clog in the shower/ bathtub. Drained very, very slowly. Kitchen cabinet door almost caas I am not a person that dwells on the imperfections. Overall a very good experience ! Would do it again in a heart beat.
Dan, perjalanan 8 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi

8/10 Sangat Baik

Great location. Only complaint would be the ventilation. Otherwise enjoyed out stay.
Michelle, perjalanan romantis 7 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

Appartement très bien situé et confortable.
L’appartement est très bien situé. Près de tous les sites à visiter à environ 20 minutes de marche. Dans un quartier tranquille. Entouré de canaux. Le lit est très confortable. L’appartement est bien équipé.
Pascale, perjalanan 8 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

So glad we ended up here! We visited Amsterdam for the first time to celebrate our 25th anniversary. After reading guide books, watching travel videos, and comparing properties, we finally settled on this one and it turned out to be a great decision. Amsterdam is a super busy city. The city center (Dam Square) is always flowing with so many bicycles, tourists, street trolleys, and boat tours. This property is about a 15 minute walk or 5 minute trolley ride away but is still in the heart of the canals. The particular canal it is on is very quiet but is completely beautiful. There are bakeries, restaurants and a trolley stop 100 yards away but it is still peaceful compared to the rest of the city. The buildings in Amsterdam are narrow and tall. We stayed in apartment 6 which is on the top floor. It does requires three flights of narrow, steep steps but that's the way most buildings are in the Netherlands. We LOVED coming back to the room every evening. It had tall vaulted ceilings, a cool european style bathroom, a tiny clothes washer/dryer, and a functional kitchenette. But the view! There is a sitting room with a double window that looks out of the canal and nearby river. Every night, we opened the window and enjoyed the fresh air and amazing scene below. Seriously, I don't think you'd find a better spot if you're wanting something convenient, comfortable, quiet and scenic. If you're OK with a few steps to climb, I think you'll dig this place.
Shanna Gravlee, perjalanan romantis 7 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

This place is a gem. We will stay here again when we come back to Amsterdam.
Dawn, perjalanan keluarga 8 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

Wonderful stay in AMS
The building and unit are lovely with a pretty view. The staff was outstanding and very responsive and welcoming. They addressed our questions very quickly. We reserved a 9 night stay and it was nice to have cleaning service every 3 days. Unfortunately we had to cut our stay short by 2 nights due to a family emergency and there was no available credit. The location was great. They should probably list that there are 47 steps to reach the flat. The only suggestion I have is that it would be nice if the kitchen was equipped with towels, pot holder and a washcloth. Also, easy instructions, like they have for the washer/dryer, for the oven, in English, would have been helpful.
Catherine, perjalanan 9 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

6/10 Bagus

felipe, perjalanan 7 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

It was nice to have an apartment with a great location.
David Reagan, perjalanan romantis 8 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi

8/10 Sangat Baik

Mark, perjalanan 16 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

Kathleen, perjalanan 8 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

Mohammed, perjalanan 7 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

6/10 Bagus

Good stay at Amsterdam Canal hotel
The location was excellent. The size of the room big which suit my need. The bed is so comfortable My flight took 7 hours to arrive to Amsterdam and after this long time, the check in was in different area than the hotel which made me feel so tired. The cleaning service should be daily not every three days. The boiler was so dirty from inside.
Mohammed, perjalanan bisnis 7 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

8/10 Sangat Baik

Loved the location! So close to Rembrandt square and food shopping, dining etc. the building was great. Beds comfortable but the cleaning was definitely lacking! The floor was very dirty and no way to clean it. No broom or any cleaning supplies were there. Had to buy my own paper towels and dish soap. They did come with new towels and picked up the kitchen but you would think they would clean the floors while there especially when there is a pile of dirt that I swept up with a paper into a pile but they didn’t. I would stay there again but would ask for a thorough cleaning. Also there is No where to put your clothes. Only one small wardrobe with one tiny shelf and 4 hangers on it. It was fine, we just lived out of our suitcase but the dirty dusty floor was definitely kinda gross. Everything else was good.
Dawn, perjalanan keluarga 7 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi

6/10 Bagus

Could hear every time someone would walk around on the floor above us. Pillows are too big and uncomfortable Great location, walking distance to a supermarket and cafes. Construction next door but wasn’t loud. If we were to stay here again we wouldn’t stay in the lower level.
Robert, perjalanan romantis 7 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi

6/10 Bagus

There was a construction next door! The toilet flush was extremely loud. Location was great and the apartment specious. Housekeeping was only getting the trash out and new towels, no cleaning at all.
Marion, perjalanan keluarga 7 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi

8/10 Sangat Baik

Fabulous apartment. I am a long term single traveler. So good there is washing machine which I can clean my clothes for my next destination before finishing Amsterdam. Also, I can cook myself breakfast and lunch to save some cost of eating out. Albert Heijn (supermarket) is 5 mins from the apartment which make it very convenience for grocery shopping. There is a flower shop at the corner as well. I can buy some flowers for the apartment as I stayed there for 9 nights and always good to have some fresh flowers in the house especially when I was in Amsterdam. Down side: - construction site next building. Do not expect to wake up late from Monday to Friday - close to the canal which provide fantastic scenery (so romantic both day and night) but also give you flies and mosquito
Eligio, perjalanan 9 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

The property is well situated on Keisersgracht near to the Amstel river. It is spacious, especially the main living room, and well equipped. The main room has French windows which look out over a shared square of gardens to the rear which is a very pleasant and quiet outlook. The beds are extremely comfortable and the bathroom very well equipped with a good combined bath and overhead shower. The kitchen has adequate glasses and crockery etc for 4 people. The stairs up to this first floor apartment are steep but bound to be so: that is the nature of canal houses in Amsterdam. The internal stairs up to the bedrooms are also steep, in this case a spiral staircase so this is not a good property for anyone with mobility issues. The furniture in the living room is comfortable and stylish. We found the staff to be extremely responsive and helpful both before and during our stay. The location of the property is wonderful: given the size of Amsterdam all places of interest are in easy walking distance. the trams and metro are excellent if needed.
Paul, perjalanan keluarga 7 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi