France is a great place for shopping, and especially for fashion. The elegant shopping arcades of the major cities are famous around the world, but don’t let that fool you into thinking France is just for the wealthy. Both ends of the price scale are covered, and you can always find something interesting to buy, whether you’ve got money to burn or you’re watching the pennies.

Local markets in France are an experience in themselves and are well worth visiting even if you don’t want to buy anything. For the most part, shopping in France still revolves around fashionable districts and store-lined streets, but there are increasingly more malls which often offer discounts on big-brand labels.

Tempat belanja terbaik di France

Kisah unggulan & hal yang menyenangkan

Tempat menginap di France

Mulai merencanakan perjalanan Anda

Populer juga di Europe

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