Moorea Beach Lodge

Properti bintang 4.0
Hotel tepi pantai Moorea-Maiao dengan bar/lounge

Pilih tanggal untuk melihat harga

bulan Anda saat ini adalah December, 2024 dan January, 2025.
Desember 2024
Januari 2025

Galeri foto untuk Moorea Beach Lodge

Bungalow Honeymoon | Brankas, setrika/meja setrika, Wi-Fi gratis, dan seprai linen
Bagian depan properti
Bungalow Honeymoon | Brankas, setrika/meja setrika, Wi-Fi gratis, dan seprai linen
Pantai pribadi, pasir putih, kursi berjemur, dan handuk pantai
Lemari es, mesin pembuat kopi/teh, dan ketel listrik


8,4 dari 10

Sangat bagus

Fasilitas populer

  • Bebas asap rokok
    Bebas asap rokok
  • Bar
  • Fasilitas laundry
    Fasilitas laundry
  • AC
  • Parkir gratis
    Parkir gratis
  • Wi-Fi Gratis
    Wi-Fi Gratis
Fasilitas utama
  • Layanan pembersihan kamar harian
  • Di pantai pribadi
  • Tersedia sarapan
  • Peminjaman sepeda gratis
  • Kursi pantai
  • Handuk pantai
  • Bar/lounge
  • Teras
  • AC
  • Taman
  • Ruang permainan/arcade
  • Perpustakaan
Seperti di rumah sendiri
  • Peralatan masak, piring, peralatan makan
  • Taman
  • Teras
  • Pembersihan kamar harian
  • Fasilitas penatu
  • Pembuat kopi/teh

Opsi kamar

Filter tersedia untuk kamar
Menampilkan 4 dari 4 kamar

Bungalow Honeymoon


Kipas angin langit-langit
Kamar mandi pribadi
Pengering rambut
Dapur umum
Pembuat kopi/teh
Peralatan masak/makan
  • 20 meter persegi
  • Pemandangan pantai
  • Kapasitas 2
  • 1 queen

Vila Keluarga


2 kamar tidur
Kipas angin langit-langit
2 kamar mandi kedua
Pengering rambut
Dapur umum
Pembuat kopi/teh
  • 32 meter persegi
  • Kapasitas 4
  • 2 double dan 1 tempat tidur sofa double

Bungalow Basic (Beach Bungalow)


Kamar tidur terpisah
Kipas angin langit-langit
Pengering rambut
Dapur umum
Pembuat kopi/teh
Peralatan masak/makan
  • 20 meter persegi
  • Pemandangan laut
  • Kapasitas 2
  • 1 queen

Bungalow, pemandangan kebun


Kamar tidur terpisah
Kipas angin langit-langit
Pengering rambut
Dapur umum
Pembuat kopi/teh
Peralatan masak/makan
  • 20 meter persegi
  • Kapasitas 2
  • 1 queen

Properti serupa

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Tentang kawasan sekitar

Pk 27.5 Cote Mer Hauru Haapiti Moorea, Moorea-Maiao, 98729

Yang ada di sekitar

  • Pusat Kebudayaan Tiki Village - 13 mnt jalan kaki - 1.2 km
  • Le Petit Village - 3 mnt berkendara - 3.4 km
  • Pantai Tiahura - 4 mnt berkendara - 3.9 km
  • Coco Beach - 8 mnt berkendara - 4.5 km
  • Kebun Tropis Moorea - 16 mnt berkendara - 14.7 km


  • Moorea (MOZ-Temae) - 39 mnt berkendara
  • Papeete (PPT-Bandara Internasional Tahiti Faaa) - 19,9 mile/32 km


  • ‪Arii Vahine - ‬15 mnt berkendara
  • ‪Snack Coco Beach - ‬4 mnt berkendara
  • ‪Fare Tutava - ‬7 mnt berkendara
  • ‪Bar Toatea - ‬15 mnt berkendara
  • ‪See You Soon Le Cafe - ‬3 mnt berkendara

Tentang properti ini

Moorea Beach Lodge

Nikmati kunjungan Anda ke Moorea-Maiao dengan menginap di Moorea Beach Lodge. Manfaat gratis seperti WiFi dan parkir mandiri merupakan manfaat tambahan, dan tamu dapat tetap aktif di properti dengan memanfaatkan fasilitas berkayak. Keunggulan lainnya meliputi bar/lounge, peminjaman sepeda gratis, dan teras.


Inggris, Prancis, Spanyol


Ukuran hotel

  • 12 hotel

Saat tiba/pulang

  • Check-in mulai: 13.00; Batas waktu check-in: 19.00
  • Check-in lebih awal tergantung ketersediaan
  • Check-in lebih akhir tergantung ketersediaan
  • Usia check-in minimal - 18
  • Waktu check-out adalah 10.30

Pembatasan terkait perjalanan Anda

  • Lihat pembatasan COVID-19.

Petunjuk check-in khusus

  • Resepsionis buka setiap hari pada pukul 07.00 - 18.30
  • Resepsionis hanya beroperasi dalam waktu terbatas

Diperlukan saat check-in

  • Kartu kredit, kartu debit, deposit tunai diperlukan untuk biaya tak terduga
  • Kartu identitas berfoto yang diterbitkan pemerintah diperlukan
  • Usia minimal untuk check-in adalah 18 tahun

Hewan peliharaan

  • Hewan peliharaan atau hewan pemandu tidak diperkenankan


  • Gratis WiFi di area umum
  • Gratis Wi-Fi di kamar


  • Parkir mandiri gratis di properti

Informasi lainnya

  • Properti bebas-rokok

Fasilitas properti

Makanan dan minuman

  • Sarapan lengkap (dengan biaya tambahan), setiap hari pukul 07.00–09.00
  • Bar/lounge


  • Di pantai pribadi
  • Rental skuter/moped
  • Naik kayak
  • Jalur mendaki/bersepeda
  • Berkuda
  • Selam skuba


  • Resepsionis (pada jam tertentu)
  • Bantuan tur/tiket
  • Fasilitas laundry
  • Penitipan koper
  • Rental sepeda gratis
  • Kursi berjemur pantai
  • Handuk pantai


  • Brankas di resepsionis
  • Taman
  • Teras
  • Perpustakaan
  • Ruang permainan/arcade

Fasilitas kamar

Kenyamanan rumah

  • AC
  • Kipas angin langit-langit
  • Pemanas air untuk kopi/teh
  • Ketel listrik
  • Setrika/meja setrika (atas permintaan)

Tidur nyenyak

  • Seprai linen


  • Shower
  • Pengering rambut
  • Disediakan handuk

Tetap terhubung

  • Akses Internet nirkabel gratis

Makanan dan minuman

  • Kulkas
  • Akses dapur bersama
  • Air minum kemasan gratis
  • Peralatan masak/piring/sendok garpu


  • Pembersihan kamar harian
  • Brankas

Biaya & kebijakan

Biaya pokok

Berikut biaya yang akan dikenakan oleh properti saat check-in atau check-out. BIaya mungkin termasuk pajak yang berlaku:
  • Pajak yang dikenakan oleh pemerintah kota: XPF 60 per orang, per malam

Fasilitas ekstra opsional

  • Sarapan lengkap ditawarkan dengan biaya tambahan kurang lebih XPF 2500 untuk orang dewasa dan XPF 1500 untuk anak-anak


Properti ini tidak memiliki lift.
Properti ini menerima kartu kredit. Tidak menerima uang tunai.

Juga dikenal sebagai

Moorea Beach Moorea-Maiao
Hotel Moorea Beach Lodge Moorea-Maiao
Moorea-Maiao Moorea Beach Lodge Hotel
Moorea Beach Lodge Moorea-Maiao
Hotel Moorea Beach Lodge
Moorea Beach
Moorea Beach Lodge Hotel
Moorea Beach Lodge Moorea-Maiao
Moorea Beach Lodge Hotel Moorea-Maiao

Pertanyaan umum

Apakah Moorea Beach Lodge menawarkan pembatalan gratis untuk refund penuh?
Ya, Moorea Beach Lodge memiliki harga kamar refundable penuh yang tersedia untuk dipesan di situs web kami. Jika Anda memesan harga refundable, pemesanan ini dapat dibatalkan hingga beberapa hari sebelum check-in tergantung kebijakan pembatalan properti. Cukup pastikan untuk membaca kebijakan pembatalan properti ini untuk syarat dan ketentuan pastinya.
Apakah Moorea Beach Lodge mengizinkan hewan peliharaan?
Maaf, hewan peliharaan maupun hewan pemandu tidak diperkenankan.
Apakah parkir di properti ditawarkan Moorea Beach Lodge?
Ya, tersedia parkir parkir mandiri gratis.
Kapan waktu check-in dan check-out di Moorea Beach Lodge?
Check-in mulai pukul: 13.00; Batas waktu check-in pukul: 19.00. Check-out dilakukan pada 10.30.
Apa saja yang dapat dilakukan di Moorea Beach Lodge dan sekitarnya?
Jangan lewatkan serunya kegiatan di properti ini seperti kayak dan bersepeda. Nikmati fasilitas seperti pantai pribadi, ruang permainan/arcade, dan taman.
Seperti apa area di sekitar Moorea Beach Lodge?
Moorea Beach Lodge berada hanya 13 menit berjalan kaki dari Pusat Kebudayaan Tiki Village.

Ulasan Moorea Beach Lodge



Sangat Baik




Staf & layanan




Kondisi & fasilitas properti


Ramah lingkungan


10/10 Sempurna

This is a smal, intimate , boutique hotel. Rooms are smashed but we had a bungalow facing the beach. Gorgeous! Other bungalows face the garden and actually are much cheaper but just as nice. Guests have access to a huge, well furnished living space and patio with a view of the beach. You can also use a state of art kitcnen.
Barbara, perjalanan 3 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

romantic get away
property was in excellent condition and with in walking distance to several nice restaurants. snorkeling was excellent just right off the beach at property. sting rays visted us every morning. highly suggested as a alternative to the highly priced resorts.
Angela, perjalanan 4 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

anna, perjalanan 1 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

4/10 Lumayan

Marie-Laure, perjalanan 1 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

We LOVED Moorea Beach Lodge, and honestly were bummed we had booked another property for the remainder of our trip that we couldn’t cancel, otherwise we would have changed our itinerary and stayed here our whole honeymoon!! The only reason I didn’t originally book our full honeymoon here was bc of other reviews… but once we got to the property we wished we could stay & were so sad to leave. Here is why: 1. We drove around the entire island and came to the conclusion that this is the best location on the whole island — a) because of the incredible beach and sunset view, and b) because you can literally kayak to Coco Beach, Les Tapeniers, and all the major snorkeling spots without paying for a tour (unless you want one of course, and you could bike or a short drive to get to Les Tapeniers for a tour). 2. Bikes and kayaks were free to use and we used them every day. We had a car but loved that we didn’t have to use it much to get around locally 3. The property, main house and view are absolutely breathtaking. We spent every sunset at the property There are a few things to know before you book, but knowing this is a pension and not a hotel the following things didn’t bother us: - the rooms are pretty small and don’t really have a closet space, but we didn’t care bc we spent so much time outside 😊 - the amenities are limited. 1 bottle of shampoo and shower/beach towels… we knew this going into it so it was not a big deal to us :)
Ulasan tamu Orbitz yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

Book it!
Clean, updated bungalows just steps from an outstanding beach. I would rather stay at the Lodge rather than the high priced hotels because of the authenticity. We were able to use the beachy, modern common area to relax, cook meals or watch the sunset. We walked to nearby hotels and saw that they were very dated, so we felt confident that we made the right decision staying at the Moorea Beach Lodge. With a gated driveway, the property was secure. Food trucks and a supermarket are within walking distance. The hotel has its own single or double kayaks for the guests to use and there are plenty of beautiful beaches to explore within reasonable paddling range.
Perjalanan 2 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

Stay here!
Absolutely loved Moorea beach lodge and wished I could have stayed longer! Great location right on the way and close to markets and restaurants. They rent scooters and cars by the day.
Jasmine, perjalanan 2 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

8/10 Sangat Baik

Bungalows à rénover et à entretenir !
L’établissement est situé dans un cadre idyllique. Le petit déjeuner, servi à table est très bien. Néanmoins l’état général de la chambre est perfectible. En effet, quand nous sommes entrés dans la chambre : - Mauvaises odeurs, ménage pas fait, linge de toilette noir de crasse (mériteraient d’être remplacés), joins du lavabo et de la douche moisis, la porte d’entrée en vous n’est pas du tout sécurisée malgré la mise en place d’un verrou….. En résumé, il faut envisager de rénover vos bungalows afin que ce lieu reste paradisiaque et bien entendu faire le ménage ! Merci.
Julien, perjalanan 1 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

6/10 Bagus

Hôtel situé dans un cadre magnifique. Par contre; Fourmis partout dans les serviettes, le lit, sur le papier toilette...horrible ! Pas de connexion wifi . Pas de shampoing juste un petit savon... Petit déjeuner : pain au chocolat brulé... Bref pas enchanté par mon week-end car plus de 500 euros pour 2 nuits dans un chambre soit disant " lune de miel "... pas de fleurs. Je ne reviendrai pas malheureusement c'est un gâchis car l' hotel est très bien situé, canoë à disposition et café/thé également dans une cuisine commune.
yvanie, perjalanan 2 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

6/10 Bagus

BEWARE: Doors do not close properly. There are gaps between doorways and bugs can easily enter. There is also an infestation of ants! We had to request for a new room because there was a swarm of ants on the day bed that then got into our luggage. NIGHTMARE! We were given a new room and the hosts must not have checked because there was a dead gecko on the ground next to the bed with another swarm of ants all over it. It was late so my husband took care of it but there were still ants crawling all over the room. We found ourselves having to kill ants constantly. Service is top notch! Prior to check in, we received a message from the lodge to confirm check in, it was very easy to communicate with the host who is very friendly and accommodating Anything we needed was just a whatsapp message away. Breakfast here is great! Absolutely add to your stay. It's simple but the fruit plate and the juice were fantastic! Location is further from many of the places we ended up going to -- taxi can be expensive so I recommend getting a rental car. However, there were 2 restaurants just walking distance to the lodge that were fantastic recommendations! Also close to markets and pharmacy.
Polly, perjalanan 2 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

Martine, perjalanan 2 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

8/10 Sangat Baik

Wonderful place, but has some downsides too.
Our stay was nice. The resort is on a beautiful piece of property and is well maintained. The beachfront is the draw with nice sand (not rocky) and a gentle slope into the ocean - good for snorkeling and swimming. They have kayaks and bicycles available for guests to use. They also have a common kitchen available to use from 11 am to 11 pm. However, the bungalows are very small; a bathroom and bed, no table to sit or any additional space - basically its a bedroom with attached bathroom. So, if you need more space or want a coffee maker or microwave in your room, this isn't the place for you. It's located close to town, you can walk to restaurants and shops (1/4 mile). Lots of upsides... Downsides, neighboring dogs barking, because its close to town - street noise (motorcycles and trucks). It's serene within its walls, but they can't control the neighboring noises. AC in bungalows is only adequate, but not really cold. If you rent a motorcycle or car, they have a gate that you have to get out and punch in the code to open. The problem isnt so much the inconvenience of getting out to walk over to punch in a code, but the gate is so close to the street, you have to wait on the road, while you get out, key in the code and wait for the gate to slowly open, all the while your hoping traffic sees you and doesnt ram into you while your parked on the street (really not well thought through where they positioned the gate). Overall, we would stay there again, mainly for the beach.
Michael, perjalanan 2 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

4/10 Lumayan

Pas vraiment convaincue
L’emplacement est très joli, mais le prix est vraiment exorbitant pour la qualité du logement. Nous sommes vraiment très très proches les uns des autres, si vous tombez comme nous sur une famille avec enfant à côté malheureusement cela gâche le séjour (nous entendons vraiment les pleures, les tablettes, etc .... les bungalows ne sont bien sûr par du tout isolé.
lucie, perjalanan 1 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

My wife and I absolutely loved staying here - it was amazing.
Kent, perjalanan 4 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

8/10 Sangat Baik

Coralie, perjalanan 1 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

8/10 Sangat Baik

Estadía muy agradable. Al momento de la reserva no quedaban habitaciones con vista al mar, pero igual está sobre la playa y no hay que hacer micho para verlo. La habitación estaba limpia y es completa. Lo interesante es el concepto del uso de los espacios públicos (cocina, mesas, livings) en modalidad auto servicio. Uno tiene la libertad de cocinar, comer, tomar una café, usando los elementos de una cocina profesional (bien equipada). La playa está a pasos de la habitación, en una zona con bastantes corales, rayas y algún que otro tiburón). El servicio de kayak se agrega a los otros en libre servicio. Y, finalmente, el staff es muy atento (Candelaria, Tamara y todo el equipo), lo que hace muy agradable la experiencia
Ignacio, perjalanan 1 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

Richard, perjalanan 1 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

8/10 Sangat Baik

Spot génial! Séjour magnifique et bon service.
Wendy, perjalanan 2 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

8/10 Sangat Baik

Great Stay
We had a great stay for 4 nights - the resort is very small and low key but with a couple of great perks including the breakfast service, room locations and included kayaks. The wifi isn't all that reliable which was disappointing given a couple of us in the group needed to be able to connect at various times for work reasons. You can walk to nearby restaurants for meals, including Cafe Vincenzo which was fabulous for dinner. A couple of fans on the main deck in the common area would also be a great add as well to combat the afternoon heat.
Thomas, perjalanan bersama teman 4 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

Nancy, perjalanan 2 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

8/10 Sangat Baik

5 jours au Moorea Beach Lodge !
Nous avons passé un séjour agréable dans un cadre paradisiaque. Établissement bien situé à haapiti avec des commerces et des snacks à proximité. Accès direct à une belle plage de sable blanc. La cuisine partagée est un vrai plus. Petit bémol : Nous étions au bungalow 8, contigu au parking, à l’accueil et au local poubelles, donc bruyant. Nous reviendrons mais dans un autre bungalow !
Julien, perjalanan 4 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

6/10 Bagus

Perjalanan keluarga 2 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

10/10 Sempurna

A true gem in mo’orea! Spent 7 nights with my family in the family bungalow and enjoyed every minute. The staff is wonderful. Delicious breakfast and view. Daughter loved kayaking to nearby island for the hermit crabs. And regarding other reviews mentioning bugs ... yes you are on a tropical island there will be nugs. But they never bothered us. thank you MBL we loved your hospitality and beautiful spot in paradise.
Paul, perjalanan keluarga 7 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi

6/10 Bagus

Michael, perjalanan 1 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi

4/10 Lumayan

disappointing management turns a 5 star to a 2
The location and decor are beautiful and elegant. However, once you look beyond the exterior, there are real issues that go back to management. There is a serious ant problem that is not addressed as well as stains of dead flies and ants all over the walls that have never been cleaned. The breakfast, while they tell you is free, is not and you’re expected to pay $22 per person per day, even when you never actually got to choose what you order. It’s a very odd experience. If the management improves, I’d be willing to try again, but I don’t see that happening soon as the owner is SO defensive and all he says is “I know, they never listen to me”
Perjalanan keluarga 5 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi