Denpasar (DPS-Bandara Internasional Ngurah Rai) - 37 mnt berkendara
Antar jemput kawasan sekitar gratis
Antar jemput bandara (biaya tambahan)
Snowcat Bali - 4 mnt berkendara
Warung Ubay - 4 mnt berkendara
Sundays Beach Club - 6 mnt berkendara
Bali Buda Store Bukit - 4 mnt berkendara
Nourish - 17 mnt jalan kaki
Tentang properti ini
Seluruh tempat
Anda akan memiliki seluruh rumah untuk diri Anda sendiri dan hanya akan berbagi dengan tamu lain dalam rombongan Anda.
Prasana by Arjani Resorts
Saat Anda menginap di Prasana by Arjani Resorts, Anda akan berada 4,1 mil (6,5 km) dari Pantai Bingin dan 4,9 mil (7,8 km) dari Pantai Jimbaran. Kolam renang indoor merupakan spot yang bagus untuk berenang, dan tamu bisa makan di Prasana, yang menyajikan masakan internasional serta buka untuk sarapan, makan siang, dan makan malam. Fasilitas seperti bar/lounge serta toko roti/camilan adalah keunggulan lain yang bisa Anda nikmati, dan vila menawarkan sentuhan mewah seperti kolam renang pribadi dan bathtub berendam .
Inggris, Indonesia
Saat tiba/pulang
Check-in mulai: 14.00; Batas waktu check-in: tengah malam
Check-in lebih akhir tergantung ketersediaan
Usia check-in minimal - 21
Waktu check-out adalah 11.30
Pembatasan terkait perjalanan Anda
Lihat pembatasan COVID-19.
Petunjuk check-in khusus
Properti ini menawarkan transportasi dari bandara (biaya tambahan mungkin berlaku); untuk mengatur penjemputan, tamu harus menghubungi pihak properti 24 jam sebelum tiba, lewat informasi kontak yang tertera pada konfirmasi pemesanan
Resepsionis akan menyambut tamu saat kedatangan
Diperlukan saat check-in
Kartu kredit, kartu debit, deposit tunai diperlukan untuk biaya tak terduga
Kartu identitas berfoto yang diterbitkan pemerintah diperlukan
Usia minimal untuk check-in adalah 21 tahun
Hewan peliharaan
Hewan peliharaan atau hewan pemandu tidak diperkenankan
Fasilitas properti
Dekat pantai
Kolam Renang/Spa
Kolam renang pribadi
Kolam renang dalam ruangan
Spa layanan lengkap
Spa buka pada hari tertentu
Wi-Fi gratis
Parkir dan transportasi
Gratis parkir mandiri di properti
Gratis parkir valet di properti
Layanan antar-jemput bandara 24 jam (biaya tambahan)
Layanan antar-jemput bandara (tersedia jika permintaan)
Layanan antar-jemput gratis di area hingga 5 kilometer
Mobil diperlukan
Ramah keluarga
Boks/tempat tidur bayi gratis
Restoran di properti
Dapur Kecil
Pencuci piring
Pembuat espresso
Ketel listrik
Peralatan masak/ perabot/ perkakas
Teh celup/kopi instan gratis
Pembuat kopi/teh
Sarapan siap masak berbayar tersedia setiap hari pada pukul 07.00–11.00: IDR 250000 untuk dewasa dan IDR 250000 untuk anak-anak
Toko roti/camilan
Layanan kamar tersedia
Kamar Tidur
Seprai premium
Tempat tidur lipat/tambahan: IDR 649998.0 per hari
Kamar Mandi
Bathtub atau shower
Shower rainfall
Bathtub besar
Disediakan handuk
Perlengkapan mandi gratis
Jubah mandi
Pengering rambut
Area huni
Ruang huni
Ruang bersantap
Area duduk
TV layar datar dengan layanan TV kabel
Pemutar DVD
Area luar ruangan
Layanan cuci kering/penatu
Fasilitas penatu
Ruang kerja
Meja tulis
Kipas angin langit-langit
Hewan Peliharaan
Hewan peliharaan atau hewan pemandu tidak diperkenankan masuk
Jika Anda memiliki permintaan untuk fasilitas difabel tertentu, silakan hubungi pihak properti menggunakan informasi yang terdapat pada konfirmasi reservasi yang diterima setelah pemesanan.
Antar jemput bandara dengan fasilitas difabel
Tidak ada lift
Kedap suara
Dapat dilewati kursi roda
Bebas rokok
Layanan dan kemudahan
Layanan concierge
Bantuan tur/tiket
Pembersihan kamar harian
Setrika/meja setrika
Penitipan koper
Brankas di resepsionis
Brankas ukuran laptop
Resepsionis 24 jam
Air minum kemasan gratis
Aktivitas menarik
Dekat dengan tempat jalur hiking/sepeda
Fitur keamanan
Tidak ada laporan tentang detektor karbon monoksida (belum ada informasi dari tuan rumah mengenai adanya detektor karbon monoksida di properti ini; pertimbangkan untuk membawa detektor portabel)
Tidak ada laporan mengenai detektor asap (belum ada informasi dari tuan rumah mengenai adanya detektor asap di properti ini)
Alat pemadam api
21 kamar
Dibangun tahun 2015
Dekorasi khusus
Berperabot khusus
Fitur khusus
Tamu dapat memanjakan diri dengan perawatan spa layanan lengkap vila ini. Spa buka pada hari tertentu.
Tempat makan
Prasana - restoran ini memiliki spesialisasi masakan internasional dan menyajikan sarapan, makan siang, serta makan malam.
Prasana - Lokasi di dalam hotel bar. Happy hour ditawarkan. Buka setiap hari
Biaya & kebijakan
Fasilitas ekstra opsional
Sarapan siap masak ditawarkan dengan biaya tambahan kurang lebih IDR 250000 untuk orang dewasa dan IDR 250000 untuk anak-anak
Layanan antar jemput bandara ditawarkan dengan biaya tambahan sebesar IDR 350000 per kendaraan (satu arah, maksimal 4 tamu)
Renovasi dan penutupan
Sesuai dengan peraturan setempat, semua pengunjung harus tetap berada di properti pada Hari Raya Nyepi selama 24 jam (mulai pukul 6 pagi). Hari Raya Nyepi umumnya jatuh pada bulan Maret atau April (tanggal berubah setiap tahunnya). Check-in dan check-out tidak dapat dilakukan pada tanggal tersebut. Bandara Ngurah Rai (Bandara Internasional Bali) juga akan ditutup pada Hari Raya Nyepi.
Anak-anak & tempat tidur tambahan
Tempat tidur lipat disediakan dengan biaya IDR 649998.0 per hari
Kolam renang, spa, dan gym (jika ada)
Reservasi diperlukan untuk perawatan spa dan dapat dilakukan dengan menghubungi properti menggunakan nomor yang ada pada konfirmasi pemesanan.
Properti ini tidak memiliki lift.
Belum ada informasi dari tuan rumah mengenai adanya detektor karbon monoksida di properti ini; pertimbangkan untuk membawa detektor portabel Anda sendiri.
Belum ada informasi dari tuan rumah mengenai adanya detektor asap di properti ini.
Tamu dapat merasa tenang dengan adanya alat pemadam api dan P3K di tempat ini.
Properti ini menerima kartu kredit, kartu debit, dan uang tunai.
Properti ini dibersihkan secara profesional.
Juga dikenal sebagai
Prasana Villa Ungasan
Prasana Villa
Prasana by Arjani Resorts Villa
Prasana by Arjani Resorts Ungasan
Prasana by Arjani Resorts Villa Ungasan
Pertanyaan umum
Apakah Prasana by Arjani Resorts memiliki kolam renang?
Ya, ada kolam renang indoor.
Apakah Prasana by Arjani Resorts mengizinkan hewan peliharaan?
Maaf, hewan peliharaan maupun hewan pemandu tidak diperkenankan.
Apakah parkir di properti ditawarkan Prasana by Arjani Resorts?
Ya, tersedia parkir parkir mandiri dan parkir valet gratis.
Apakah Prasana by Arjani Resorts menyediakan layanan antar-jemput bandara?
Ya, antar-jemput bandara tersedia. Biayanya sebesar IDR 350000 per kendaraan satu arah.
Kapan waktu check-in dan check-out di Prasana by Arjani Resorts?
Check-in mulai pukul: 14.00; Batas waktu check-in pukul: tengah malam. Check-out dilakukan pada 11.30.
Apa saja yang dapat dilakukan di Prasana by Arjani Resorts dan sekitarnya?
Nikmati fasilitas rekreasi terdekat seperti haiking pada bulan-bulan yang lebih hangat. Manjakan diri dengan perawatan di spa dan berenang di kolam renang indoor. Prasana by Arjani Resorts juga memiliki kolam renang pribadi dan taman.
Apakah ada restoran di dekat Prasana by Arjani Resorts?
Ya, Prasana menawarkan masakan internasional.
Apakah Prasana by Arjani Resorts memiliki bathtub spa pribadi?
Ya, vila memiliki bathtub besar.
Apakah Prasana by Arjani Resorts memiliki dapur atau dapur kecil?
Ya, tersedia dapur yang juga dilengkapi dengan kulkas, mesin pencuci piring, dan mesin espresso.
Apakah Prasana by Arjani Resorts memiliki ruang outdoor pribadi?
Ya, vila memiliki kolam renang pribadi dan patio.
Seperti apa area di sekitar Prasana by Arjani Resorts?
Prasana by Arjani Resorts berada hanya 1 menit berjalan kaki dari Bukit Peninsula.
Ulasan Prasana by Arjani Resorts
Semua ulasan yang ditampilkan berasal dari pengalaman tamu yang nyata. Hanya traveler yang telah memesan penginapan dengan kami yang dapat mengirimkan ulasan. Kami memverifikasi ulasan sesuai dengan panduan kami dan memublikasikan semua ulasan, baik itu positif maupun negatif.Informasi selengkapnyaTerbuka di jendela baru
Staf & layanan
Kondisi & fasilitas properti
Ramah lingkungan
10/10 Sempurna
14 Juni 2024
I thoroughly enjoyed my stay at Prasana. From the moment I arrived, the staff were so welcoming and helpful. Streamlining my check-in and assisting with my bags up the stairs. The villa itself was more beautiful in real life and whilst the ocean views were at a distance, it made the room feel light, bright and airy. I also appreciate the tranquility of its location, which for the most part is quiet. The only exception is that there was some mild roadwork noise nearby, which they seem to be doing late at night. Apart from that, it was like being in my own little sanctuary.
Marie, perjalanan 3 malam
Ulasan tamu Lastminute yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
3 Juni 2024
Bonnie, perjalanan bersama teman 3 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
1 Juni 2024
Brandy, perjalanan 2 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
24 Maret 2024
I ended up at the Prasana at the last minute because the villas I went to prior to booking at the Prasana were not to standard.
Upon my arrival at the previous villas and finding out how it was really like, I immediately jumped on Expedia and found the Prasana. Doing to turned around my vacation. The Prasana is an absolute gem.
Upon arrival I was greeted by a friendly staff. Even though I booked the villa only 30 minutes prior to my arrival, it was ready for me. I ended staying in the one bedroom called Amita. The view from the room was absolutely gorgeous. It has its own private pool and kitchen along with outside bath tub. The entire villa was private. I slept with the curtains open and woke up to the amazing sunrise over the Indian Ocean during my stay each day. This particular villa is the highest one on the property I think but I image all the views are amazing from the other villas.
The restaurant attached to the property is also amazing. I had a local fish dish for dinner one night that was simply spectacular. I ate here 4 times out of the 3 days I stayed. They have amazing breakfast and drink choices. They have full bar too that's open until late. Room service was great too. I'm amazed at how they can carry all that food and drink up the stairs to my villa.
I also got a couples massage with my wife at their spa that was also a nice experience and reasonably priced.
I hope to stay here again someday. It's a special place.
Terence, perjalanan romantis 2 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
18 Januari 2024
Aesthetically pleasing, luxurious. Great breakfast and great views!
Simone, perjalanan romantis 2 malam
Ulasan tamu Wotif yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
10 Desember 2023
Andrew Thomas
Andrew Thomas, perjalanan romantis 4 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
21 November 2023
Die Unterkunft für sich ist toll, aber sie liegt wirklich sehr ungünstig. Die Straße dorthin ist nicht befestigt und unbeleuchtet. Drumherum ist quasi nichts/Müll und man kommt nur mit dem Taxi weg.
Christin Vincenz-von
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
8/10 Sangat Baik
19 Oktober 2023
Asley, perjalanan 2 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
14 Agustus 2023
Robbie, perjalanan 4 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
19 Juni 2023
Extremely friendly staff, great environment, amazing food, and they even surprised me with a birthday cake. I would recommend this place to everyone, it felt like paradise!
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
6/10 Bagus
10 Desember 2022
Compared to Phuket and some other similar properties and destinations, this is definitely not worth the money we paid.
Prasana staff were friendly and warm generally but the amenities and location is really terrible. There's zero shops or even restaurants within walking distance from the villa and your only transport is the free shuttle provided by the villa but it ends early at 6pm! You will have to find your own transport or pay exorbitant fare for the villas shuttle service after this time.
Moreover, as they only have 2 vehicles for this shuttle service serving the entire property of about 20 villas, there are times where both the vehicles are booked and we have to arrange our own transport to other places of interest and back.
The only restaurant with only 8 tables serve a menu of just 6 breakfast items along with a micro breakfast buffet counter or just a handful of items...
My family stayed 5 nights and had to recycle the breakfast menu by the 3rd day after trying all 6 items on the menu on the 2nd day. Taste was OK though.
In summary, the secluded location and lack of amenities within this property is terrible in comparison to Phuket. Rooms were also unclean with the blinds louvres visibly dusty. I can feel the very minimal housekeeping and they don't change the bedsheets before, during and,I think, even after our stay there. Stains were observed on walls and bedsheets.
It's really not worth the money we paid for the stay.
Very limited and expensive places of interest
Say Beng
Say Beng, perjalanan keluarga 5 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
10 Juli 2022
Awesome place
hattie, perjalanan romantis 2 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
8/10 Sangat Baik
24 Februari 2020
The view from our villas was incredible and the staff esp ladies at the spa were very warm and welcoming. Housekeeping could be improved a little as some of the cushions on the lounge chairs were a little mouldy and behind the curtains in the bedroom you could see dirt which had been there a while. Other than that really enjoyed our stay and would stay again when in Ungasan
FleetingMoments, perjalanan romantis 3 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
18 Februari 2020
酒店與相片一樣,是一個難忘的Honeymoon酒店,房內裝飾時尚,與世隔絕,是可以於酒店待一整天,也會很享受的。酒店等all day breakfast令我可以睡晚一點也沒問題,因為可享用至下午5時
PIK YAN, perjalanan 3 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
5 Januari 2020
Clean but rooms, great service from employees. The shuttle to local places within a 5km area is absolutely wonderful and helpful
RayC, perjalanan romantis 5 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
4 November 2019
Very relaxing stay and the staff services/knowledge was perfect
SandeepSandhu, perjalanan romantis 7 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
8 Oktober 2019
Best Stay in Bali
Free shuttle was super convenient, and the entire villa was super clean they even offered free floaters and dropped off cute mini desserts for us every night. Definitely opt for the free breakfast and to top it off everything we ordered from breakfast and bbq wings were amazing.
Eunice, perjalanan bersama teman 2 malam
Ulasan tamu yang terverifikasi
8/10 Sangat Baik
29 September 2019
Room was beautiful and very spacious. Loved the two sinks and free standing bath in the courtyard. The free shuttle was brilliant, there isn’t anything close by and there’s no real centre so you need to know where you want to go. Lots of people seem to explore by scooter.
We loved that they used refillable glass bottles instead of the plastic many hotels use. The first night we had a cork stopper in the bottle which was fine. The rest of the time we had cap tops which could only be removed using a bottle opener but the room didn’t have one so we kept having to call reception to have one brought down and we had to open them on the spot as they wouldn’t leave it with us. It was odd things like this which slightly detracted from how good the hotel could be.
The pool was lovely but there was no view unless you class the roofs of other villas so the infinity pool style was a little lost.
The food was good for breakfast and light bites / lunch and there was no additional charge to eat in the room which was nice. It was a little strange having to order breakfast the day before... this could easily be done the same morning.
The hotel arranged a very reasonably priced taxi to the airport for us too. You have to secure a card deposit when you arrive. We settled our bill using cash as it was the end of the holiday. It was only once we’d done this that we were told we could have used the secure deposit and it would take 21 days for a refund of that which seems excessive.
Traveler terverifikasi
Perjalanan romantis 3 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
12 September 2019
Excellent service! Very nice staff to help with transport arrangement in Bali upon request
KCLau, perjalanan bersama teman 2 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
9 Juni 2019
I originally booked Prasana for one night. After staying there our first night the Villa we stayed afterwards did not compare. The driver who picked me up from the airport held a sign with our names so it was easy to identify him. When I arrived at the villa I was greeted with a cold hand towel and a glass of a delicious ginger flavored drink. It was very refreshing after traveling for almost 22 hrs. Check in went smoothly, it only took about 5 mins and then I was escorted to my room. They gave me a tour of my villa, showed me how to use the a/c, tv and phone if I needed to call them for anything. They even WhatsApp messaged me to check if I needed help with my bags in the morning when I was leaving. The room I stayed in was the One bedroom sunrise villa and the view in the morning was spectacular! Getting to watch the sunrise while eating breakfast by the pool was amazing! We even had a slight ocean view. Overall I had an amazing experience. So much so that I changed my accommodations for two of the nights I stayed in Bali and decided to stay at the Prasana instead! I would definitely recommend staying here at least two nights of your stay! It was further way from most of the tourist attractions in Ubud but it was close to the Omnia Day club and The edge which are two relaxing but scenic spots to visit it Bali
Dacian, perjalanan bersama teman 1 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
9 Juni 2019
I originally booked Prasana for one night. After staying there our first night the Villa we stayed afterwards did not compare. The driver who picked me up from the airport held a sign with our names so it was easy to identify him. When I arrived at the villa I was greeted with a cold hand towel and a glass of a delicious ginger flavored drink. It was very refreshing after traveling for almost 22 hrs. Check in went smoothly, it only took about 5 mins and then I was escorted to my room. They gave me a tour of my villa, showed me how to use the a/c, tv and phone if I needed to call them for anything. They even WhatsApp messaged me to check if I needed help with my bags in the morning when I was leaving. The room I stayed in was the One bedroom sunrise villa and the view in the morning was spectacular! Getting to watch the sunrise while eating breakfast by the pool was amazing! We even had a slight ocean view. Overall I had an amazing experience. So much so that I changed my accommodations for two of the nights I stayed in Bali and decided to stay at the Prasana instead! I would definitely recommend staying here at least two nights of your stay! It was further way from most of the tourist attractions in Ubud but it was close to the Omnia Day club and The edge which are two relaxing but scenic spots to visit it Bali
Dacian, perjalanan bersama teman 1 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
26 Mei 2019
The pictures do not do justice for this property. It is beautiful and everyone here is very nice and accommodating. Overall amazing experience. I would stay here again
Traveler terverifikasi
Perjalanan 1 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
1 Mei 2019
Beautiful modern villa with everything you need. Looked as beautiful as the photos online. The staff were so nice and made us feel welcome. They were extremely helpful and were there for all our needs
Traveler terverifikasi
Perjalanan romantis 8 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
26 Maret 2019
Traveler terverifikasi
Perjalanan 2 malam
Ulasan tamu Expedia yang terverifikasi
10/10 Sempurna
26 Maret 2019
I don't even know where to begin! This villa was spectacular from start to finish with amazing service, to beautiful views, in a beautiful and clean villa, with everything we needed. We loved it!